Episode 5 "The Advisor's Past and the Ripples of Doubt" - "The Courage of That Day, Wavering Between the Waves"

-The nightly search of the warehouse ended with little success.

There were some old surf store parts found and some marks on the floor that looked like something had been dragged across the floor,

In the end, the whereabouts of the "missing board" were unknown,

Not even the sound of suspicious footsteps could confirm its identity.


Under these circumstances, the atmosphere in the surfing club continued to deteriorate.

The captain, Akira Shinoda, a senior, reduced his attendance at school to hide his leg injury,

Saki Kawakubo, a senior, is frustrated that she cannot practice properly before the tournament.

Motivation among the club members plummeted,

Even the manager, Hinata Tachibana, lamented, "I don't know what to do.


And the advisor, Dr. Shuji Kurokawa.

I am in a position where I am supposed to guide them for the tournament,

For some reason, he is unable to stop the atmosphere in the department from becoming more tense.


What's behind it all--

I, Kohei Aizawa,

Together with Tomoki Otani, he was trying to get closer to the truth of the matter little by little.





1. disturbing club room after school


Beginning of the week.

It has been several days since the surfboard theft, and still no progress has been made.

On the contrary, the attendance rate of the club members was declining rapidly,

Rumors that he was "already thinking about leaving the club" began to abound.


After school, I visited the surfing club room and found Hinata sitting alone and stunned.


"...... Hinata?"


When I call out to her, Hinata turns to me with a tired smile.


Kouhei-kun, you came to .......

 Where's Otani?"


He said, "I think he's coming later. He said he got called in by a teacher for a bit."


I see. ......."


Hinata's words are somewhat somber.

If you look, you'll see several empty surfboard stands,

Dust is starting to accumulate here and there.


Are people skipping practice?"


He said, "No, I don't feel like it. Lately, when he comes to the club room, he says, 'I can't find the board anyway, and I don't feel like practicing,

 I'm leaving soon."


So ......"


A big sigh of relief.

This stagnation is unusual, even with the Inter-High School qualifying rounds coming up.


At that moment, the door rattles open and a cool-looking Saki-senpai appears.


I said, "...... Oh, there you are. Hinata and ...... Aizawa-kun?"


Saki-senpai, good job. Are you going to practice today?"


When Hinata asks this, Saki-senpai shakes her head.


I can't concentrate on practicing right now, to be honest."

 And it's no use me going out to sea alone.

 ...... more importantly, what about Shinoda-senpai and Sensei?"


"Sensei has something to do in the staff room." ......

 Shinoda-senpai has not been ...... seen yet today."


Saki-senpai silently raises her eyebrows faintly.

A frustrating atmosphere enveloped the club room.


I really wonder what's going to happen to ...... us if we don't do something about it."


Hinata mutters, and Saki-senpai clenches her fists.


'It's too unlucky for the board to disappear at this time of year,' he said.

 I don't know if the culprits are outsiders or insiders, but frankly I'm sick of it.

 ...... Hey, Aizawa-kun. You guys went to check out the warehouse at night, right?

 Did you accomplish anything?"


No, I have no idea about .......

 It was dusty and there was a trace of something that had been dragged in,

 I couldn't find anything that looked like Shinoda-senpai's board."


When I honestly stated the facts, Saki-senpai's shoulders slumped significantly.

Yes, I knew it. ......," he mused.


I'm just wondering if you've considered the possibility that the teacher might be hiding things from you.

 Like ......, fearing Shinoda-senpai's injury."


Hinata looks at Saki-senpai's face with a huff.

My heart is pounding too.


......Saki-senpai, do you also suspect Dr. Kurokawa?"


I doubt it, or rather, it's a possibility."

 It's hard for an outsider to pick the lock, isn't it?

 Then wouldn't it be natural that the advisor or captain himself, who has the key, would be the most suspicious?"


His tone is matter-of-fact, but behind it, irritation and impatience can be seen.


(Will this make not only Shinoda-senpai but even Saki-senpai begin to suspect the teacher? ......?)


In a delicate atmosphere, Saki-senpai continued.


Hey, Hinata.

 Have you ever heard the rumor that the teacher was seriously injured surfing in the past?

 I don't know much about that man's past."


Hinata shakes her head in surprise.


Unn...... I don't know much about it either.

 I heard rumors that you were trying to be a pro surfer back in the day."


If it's because of that trauma and you don't want Shinoda-senpai to be overwhelmed or something like that, I can understand that. ......

 Theft is honestly the least of your means, isn't it?"


A heavy silence falls over the clubroom.

I lost my timing to interject a word too.


(The teacher is injured ...... I've certainly heard that at the rumor level, but I don't know what the truth is)


Then Otani came in with panicked steps.

I said, "Oooh, there you are. You're all here," he said, noticing the atmosphere of the place and swallowing his words.


Oh, am I interrupting?"


No, we were just talking. I'm leaving now."


When Saki-senpai said that and left the club room,

Otani tilts his head curiously.


'You're all kind of tense. ......

 Oh, yeah, I was just there when Chairman Kiryu called me.


To Kiryu-senpai?"


Hinata blinks her eyes and asks back.


He said he would tell me something about my teacher's past. He's going to tell me something about your past."


At Otani's words, Hinata and I looked at each other in surprise.

This is exactly the topic that Saki seniors were concerned about earlier.


What do you mean, "past the teacher's ......?"


I haven't heard the details yet, but Kiryu-senpai said, 'I found some information in an old document in the library.

 He told me to get together after school so I could tell everyone."


What's that, that's so damn disturbing!"


Hinata's eyes at once regain their light.

He continues, "Kiryu-senpai, you really know everything."


"All right, we'll go, too?"


I'm not sure if I'll be able to do that! Maybe we should talk to Saki-senpai as well. ......"


Hinata tries to go to the door, but when she looks down the hallway, Saki-senpai is already gone.

The three of us had no choice but to decide to go looking for Kiryu-senpai.


(If there is some secret in Dr. Kurokawa's past, it could be related to Shinoda-senpai's board theft: ......

 (I don't have any evidence to back this up, but it's a weirdly satisfying story.)


With a mixture of anticipation and anxiety in my chest,

We left the clubroom.





2. "Old documents" in Kiryu Senpai's possession


After searching the school for a while, I found Mizuki Kiryu, a senior student, waiting for me in front of the student council office.

Although there is a "No Entry Except by Authorized Persons" plate hanging in front of the door,

When he sees us, he beckons, "Come here, come here.


Thank you for coming.

 I told Otani-kun a little about it earlier, but it would be quicker if Aizawa-kun and Hinata were with me."


After saying so, Kiryu-senpai quickly enters the student council room.

We followed with trepidation, and found old clippings and documents lined up on a desk in the back of the room.


This is a scrap of past newspapers and magazines from the library.

 Shuji KurokawaI found a couple of hits under the name 'The


There you will find articles related to surfing,

Headlines such as "Shuji Kurokawa, a favorite to win the national high school surfing competition, abandons the final due to a serious injury" jumped out at me.


"Sir, it sounds like you were a pretty amazing surfer in high school. ......


Hinata reads the article as if she were devouring it.

Otani, too, marveled, "Wow.

As I skimmed through it, I suddenly stopped at a sentence.


"'Kurokawa, with the expectations of all concerned, took on an impossible big wave, resulting in a serious leg injury' ......"


The situation is exactly reminiscent of Shinoda Senpai in its current state.

Have the expectations of those around you become excessive and you have become reckless? ......


Not only that," he said, "he was also talking about becoming a professional surfer.

 But I guess my injury forced me to focus on rehab and then I left the sport."


To another article indicated by Kiryu Senpai's finger,

The headlines read, "High school prodigy on the verge of turning pro, accident, and future doomed.


"So the doctor is someone who knows more than most people about the fear of 'foot injuries destroying your future.' ......


Hinata mutters sadly.

Otani frowned and said, "Isn't the situation too much like Shinoda-senpai's?" I say lowly.


-Yes, Shinoda-senpai also has a leg injury now.

Still, he has the will to participate in the inter-high school qualifying rounds,

He is trying to do the impossible even though those around him are trying to stop him.


What if the teacher saw it and saw himself in the past?"


When I open my mouth, Kiryu-senpai quietly nods.


I agree. It's not surprising that he was so eager to protect his students that he resorted to forceful measures: ......

 I'm just guessing."


But that doesn't mean it's a ...... crime to steal a board!"


Hinata says emphatically, but Kiryu-senpai gives a troubled look, "I think so too.


'I don't want to believe it, but if the teacher really tried to stop Shinoda-senpai: ......

 ...... Hey, what do you think, Aizawa-kun?"


Suddenly asked, I am at a loss for an answer.

While the teacher appears to be committed to the club's activities,

It is also true that there is a sense of bristling somewhere between words and deeds.


(No way, is the teacher really the culprit ......?)


Shake your head to shake off any doubts.


I can't make up my mind yet.

 However, now that I know about Sensei's past, I can understand why he is so obsessed with his "injuries.


'Yeah ....... I agree."


Hinata also said so and slumped down.

Otani crosses his arms and groans.


"No wonder Shinoda-senpai said, 'I suspect the teacher.

 There is no possibility that the teacher hid the board with the intention of "avoiding injury. ......


But if that's true, I'd like to see it resolved even more so.

 Even teachers wouldn't want to hurt their students in this way. ......"


Hinata's words still seemed to be tinged with a sense of "wanting to trust the teacher.

Kiryu-senpai takes a small breath and then gathers the materials on his desk.


I haven't shared this information with Dr. Kurokawa himself yet.

 Don't everyone carelessly tell other students about it.

 It might drive the teacher away, and most of all, we don't have any proof."


I understand."


We nodded to each other.

At any rate, what we have here is the fact that "Dr. Kurokawa's past injuries and disappointments.

That alone is enough information to have an impact.


(If Sensei really hid the board, was it because of "love for Shinoda-senpai" or "trauma in his past" ......?)

(...... or is there another aim altogether?)


Doubts only deepened.

However, if I tell this to Shinoda-senpai, he may say, "I knew it was the teacher.

I would like to see clearer evidence before complicating things.





3. on the way home that day - a glimpse of the teacher


After listening to Kiryu-senpai's talk, we went back to the club room briefly before leaving for school.

Otani seems to have a part-time job on the way, so he leaves first, and Hinata and I exit the elevator together.


I still think it's more likely that the teacher is trying to stop Shinoda-senpai because of the "trauma of the injury." ......


I say, and Hinata shakes her head.


I don't know. ...... I'm certainly afraid of getting hurt, but you can honestly tell them to take it easy.

 It's not something I would normally think of as a way to steal a board."


Hmmm, you're right. ......"


As I walked out of the school gate, mumbling, I saw what appeared to be Mr. Kurokawa.

He seems to be talking to someone at some distance.


Is the other party ...... Shinoda Senpai?

No, no. Looks like a male student, but I can't see him well.


"Doctor, who am I talking to ......?"


Hinata says in a whisper.

I was staring at them standing under the lamppost,

The teacher, who had just noticed us, looks at us as if startled.


Then the other male student hurriedly turned away and ran off.


"Sir, ...... what was that?"


When I approached to speak to him, the teacher seemed a little upset and slurred his words.

No, I was just talking to you about the ...... department. Sorry, go home first."


After saying this, the teacher also left at a quick pace.


(I don't recognize the student now, but is he a member of a club you're considering leaving or something?)


A strange feeling of discomfort lingers in the back of my chest.

The teacher seemed to be in a hurry, and the other student seemed to be hiding something.


I hope it's not another new round of trouble ......."


Hinata mutters anxiously.

I couldn't say anything either and nodded silently.





4. night, the pain of dreams gone by


That night.

I lay in bed and couldn't sleep because my mind was swirling.

Dr. Kurokawa's past - a tragic experience that ended his career as a professional surfer due to a foot injury.

That is dubbed by many as the current Shinoda senpai.


(If the teacher is really the culprit, I can understand his desire to "protect" ......,

 The means of theft is unacceptable.

 But on the other hand, we cannot dismiss the possibility that someone else did it.

 (All the teachers are under suspicion, but is that really true?)


It is even possible that Shinoda-senpai himself is hiding something.

There is no line that Saki-senpai or other club members are up to something.


(...... I still need more evidence.

 (I think the department is falling apart because only allegations are being made without any proof.)


Nothing is going on right now, even if you think about it.

But when I read the article that Dr. Kurokawa "hurt his leg trying to live up to the expectations of the people involved,

I felt a prickle of pain in my own chest.


(Knowing "the fear of challenge" better than anyone else, the teacher ......?)


When I close my eyelids, I think I hear the sound of waves in the distance.

In the past, the teacher must have been passionate about surfing and knew the pleasure of becoming one with the waves.


And yet he gave up because of a serious injury.

That pain and fear should not be so easily healed.


If I were in the teacher's shoes, what would I do?


(My bad habit is to be too scared to do anything ......)


It reminds me of my old self and makes me a little sad.

Let's move some more tomorrow.
If we don't find some kind of breakthrough, both Shinoda-senpai and Sensei will continue to suffer if we don't do something about it.


Let's all figure out our next move."


I told myself that, and finally my consciousness faded away.

The sound of waves behind your ears.

As if by suggestion, it was a night that lured me to the edge of sleep.





--Episode 5: The End

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