-A suspicious hooded figure crept into the school building at night.
It seemed to be looking for something in a small warehouse, separate from the storage room, but its identity has not yet been revealed.
Next morning.
I, Kohei Aizawa, went to school as usual, but I was feeling even more restless than yesterday.
The surfing club's "missing board case" remains unresolved, and the seriousness of Captain Shinoda's leg injury is also a concern.
Above all, the cause of the blur is that I witnessed a delicate clash between the advisor, Mr. Kurokawa, and Shinoda-senpai.
I am concerned that the atmosphere among the club members is also deteriorating.
Hey, Kohei!
As I was sloppily putting on my shoes at the entrance to the elevator, the usual Otani approached me, waving his hand.
"Hey, what are you going to do today? You're going to join the Surfing Division investigation again, right?"
I know it's not as dramatic as an investigation, but ...... Hinata asked me to do this and I'm willing to help.
If we can't find Shinoda-senpai's board, even the Inter-Highs qualifying rounds will be in jeopardy."
I guess so. I'm rather looking forward to it. It's like a school mystery, a coming-of-age mystery.
Otani is still in a good-natured mood, but honestly, this incident is more than a prank by someone,
I sense something more deeply rooted.
Shinoda-senpai's legs, Kurokawa-sensei's inexplicable attitude: ......
I don't have any proof yet, but I can't help but think that there are some secrets within the department.
For now, let's just get through homeroom first."
Just after she left the entrance, Hinata, the manager, suddenly appeared from the corner of the hallway.
He rushes toward us, a little hurriedly.
I knew you were with us, Otani. Just as well.
Will you two still show up at the surf club after school today?"
Of course. I'm all for it!
Beside Otani's immediate answer, I nodded my head and said, "Yeah, okay.
Hinata smiled with relief.
Thanks. Actually, I asked everyone yesterday, but you didn't get very far, did you?
But this morning, Saki-senpai said, 'I don't understand anything that way,
He suggested we discuss it a little more in-depth."
Saki ...... is Kawakubo senpai, right?
Rumor has it that you're a talented, gifted surfer."
Otani's eyes light up.
Saki, a sophomore, is already at the national level and is looked up to by both men and women alike.
However, there is also something cool and unapproachable about them.
Yes. So the club members will meet again after school today.
Dr. Kurokawa will be there, so I'm sure we'll hear a lot about him.
...... Hopefully Shinoda-senpai will be there too."
When she says this, Hinata's expression darkens a little.
Shinoda-senpai seems to be suffering from a foot injury as well as a board injury,
Because of the clash with Dr. Kurokawa yesterday, it may be difficult to show up at the club.
It's an important time for seniors, and I think they'll come."
When I encouraged her to do so, Hinata smiled and said, "That's right.
'Okay, so it's a few minutes before homeroom, but I'm going to call on everyone for a minute.
I'll talk to you again at lunchtime."
I watch Hinata run off with a renewed sense of energy.
Watching their backs, my desire to help somehow grows even greater.
Morning Classroom--New Rumors
Homeroom is over and it's time for a short break.
Chatter occurs here and there in the class, but it seems that word has already spread that "Shinoda-senpai's board was apparently stolen," and all sorts of speculation seems to be going on.
I think the rival schools sabotaged it."
If it was an outside attacker, how did he pick the lock?"
Trouble between club members?"
Otani listens to him, saying, "That's interesting," with a sideways glance,
I feel a little bit of a bad buzz.
-If the members of the club start to suspect each other, the atmosphere of the club will be irreversible.
(Even Dr. Kurokawa, because yesterday he said, 'It could be an insider.')
While I was thinking about this, the student body president, **Mizuki Kiryu** senior, unexpectedly appeared at the entrance of the classroom.
He is a third-year student and usually gives the impression of being strict.
Aizawa-kun, can I have a word?"
Don't tell me that the student body president went out of his way to run an errand for me ......?
Surprised, Kiryu-senpai quickly approaches and continues in a whisper.
I heard about the surfing club thing."
Kurokawa-sensei also reported to me. He asked me to check the school's surveillance camera footage."
What, the teacher is ......?"
Kurokawa-sensei asked for cooperation from the student council president, does that mean he is still serious about solving the case?
Yesterday I was clashing with Shinoda-senpai, but if I can get Kiryu-senpai to move in this way, there is a possibility that we can find some useful footage.
Yes. But night cameras don't have very good resolution, and they don't cover the whole site, so don't get your hopes up too high.
Still, if you see anything on it, please report it to your teacher or to me."
I understand."
Kiryu-senpai nodded lightly and quickly turned on his heel.
As he was leaving, he turned around and said.
Aizawa, you are helping to solve the case, right?
...... Don't overdo it too much.
If you see anything dangerous, tell me right away."
There seemed to be some implication in those words.
Perhaps Kiryu-senpai has already sensed something.
(Dangerous, or ......)
If you ask whether board theft is a big deal, it may be subtle,
School is a place where you never know when or where you might get into trouble.
At the very least, Kiryu Senpai wants to make sure that it does not become a bigger problem.
To the docks--Searching during lunch break
That day, lunch break.
Otani said, "Let's go outside anyway. Why don't we go take a look around the docks?" I said.
Neither I nor Hinata were certainly looking for the beach or docks in earnest, so,
Then we said, "Well, let's go for a visit."
Just behind the school is a stretch of beach, and a short walk from there is a wharf for unloading.
It is not a fishing port, but a place where several small boats are anchored and used by local fishermen and surfers.
Time was limited during lunch break, so Hinata, Otani, and I headed out at a brisk pace.
When I arrived at the dock, the smell of the tide tickled my nose even more strongly.
Beyond the concrete embankment was the blue ocean.
'Wow, I've never been here before, but ...... I'm surprised there aren't more people here.'
Otani looks around.
It was a weekday afternoon, so there were only a few boats parked after fishing, and hardly any people.
Is there any chance the board is hidden here?"
Hinata murmurs a little anxiously.
If I had to hide my surfboard somewhere, I would choose an unpopular place.
However, it seems to me that if the board were left in such an open area, someone would notice it immediately.
Let's look in the back, in the shadows, just in case."
He suggests this, and the three of us split up to begin our search.
Behind the levee, in the shadow of a warehouse, or in a corner where ropes and fishing gear are piled up.
But, as it turns out, nothing can be found.
Well, it doesn't work that way. ......
When I dropped my shoulders, Otani said, "It's still daytime. If there's anyone suspicious, it might be night," he said, smiling meaningfully.
Really, Otani is strangely high in energy at times like this.
"......What's that?"
Hinata points to the end of the embankment.
If you look, you can see a small fishing boat stopped, and you can see someone standing by the boat.
I don't know if he is wearing a hood .......
But when I look at him, he hides his face and disappears into the shadow of the boat.
Did you just look this way: ......?"
Otani whispered, and we cautiously approached.
However, when I looked into the shadows of the boat, there was no sign of anyone.
Apparently, they got away quickly.
What was that all about?"
Hinata nods her head.
You're not ...... a member of the club, are you?"
That being said, I'm not sure.
He wasn't wearing any kind of surfing club uniform, and I couldn't make out his face, so I couldn't say for sure.
(Maybe it's not the mysterious person ...... who was behind the school building last night)
The image in my mind is of a hooded figure sneaking into a warehouse at night.
Did you have some business on this dock as well?
He might be just a fisherman, or a tourist.
People come around here for surfing, too."
Hinata says this to herself, but her expression is not clear.
There are only a few more short hours left in the lunch break.
In the end, the only information obtained was that "there might have been a mysterious figure at the wharf,
I did not see anything in particular that looked like a board.
I don't have a choice, I'll go back. I don't want to be late."
At Otani's words, Hinata and I agreed and turned back to the school.
The noon search came to an end, with something somehow stuck in my chest.
After School--Saki's Proposal
After school.
The surfing club's clubroom was filled with the same or more members than yesterday.
I am a little relieved to see that Shinoda-senpai is also there.
But his face is as buoyant as ever.
Are the ...... feet ok?"
When Hinata asks, he averts his gaze, saying, "It's no big deal.
Dr. Kurokawa also appears in the club room and looks around at everyone.
And the cool, eye-catching ambiance--theSaki KawakuboThe seniors call out to everyone.
Yesterday's interviews were too superficial.
Today I want to go a little more in-depth and find out who knows what."
The stern tone of his voice caused several members of the club to buzz.
However, Saki-senpai continues without caring.
If things continue as they are, Shinoda-senpai's tournament will be in jeopardy, and the entire club will be so anxious that they will not be able to concentrate on practice.
...... I also want to practice as soon as possible and go to the main inter-high school competition.
So let's not misunderstand or hide things from each other in our club."
Her words were tinged with impatience.
While he is expected to be an ace at the national level, he will be largely dependent on the situation of his senior Shinoda.
Then, for example, how would you discuss it?"
I heard that some of the students told ...... that they were thinking of leaving the club,
I would like to hear how that came about.
Then there's the rumor that 'I was arguing with Shinoda-senpai,' but if that's true, what's the reason?"
Saki-senpai hits the crux of the matter one after another.
Then, there is a momentary pause among the club members.
(This might cause some discontent and secrecy among the club members.)
I exchange glances with Otani.
Otani nodded and whispered, "This is going to be rough.
Department members erupt in discontent and anxiety.
Several club members begin to testify that they have actually seen Shinoda-senpai arguing with Kurokawa-sensei about something recently.
I thought, "That's why the atmosphere in the club was so awkward."
Such as, "What's the point of us surfing if our seniors are sniping at each other ......."
One after another, complaints and concerns popped up.
Hinata cringes and frantically takes notes in her notebook.
Dr. Kurokawa listens silently, but his expression remains grim.
'Why would you force yourself to go to a tournament when your captain has a leg injury?
If we don't solve that first, even Kurokawa-sensei must be in a hurry, right?"
When asked by one club member, Shinoda-senpai looks bitter.
I want to be there even if I can't make it to ......," he blurted out.
Dr. Kurokawa opens his mouth in a heavy tone.
Shinoda, I know you have that much determination.
But what if the injury gets worse?
You could be throwing your future away."
It has nothing to do with the teacher."
Shinoda-senpai responds immediately.
It shouldn't be "irrelevant" though, since the relationship is strictly advisor and captain,
The words seem to be filled with strong rejection.
(I knew there was something between them ......?)
As I was thinking about this, Saki-senpai interrupted me.
If you put it that well, it makes me think that the board being stolen might actually be someone's 'action to stop Shinoda-senpai.
The club members groaned, and some even protested, saying, "That's absurd,
Saki-senpai stares intently at Shinoda-senpai and Kurokawa-sensei.
I'm sure you have no idea what you're talking about." ......
Maybe the teacher doesn't want to aggravate the injury and is trying to get Shinoda-senpai to give up the tournament?
...... sorry, I don't mean to doubt you, but I want to win too.
If there's anything the doctor is hiding, I'd like to know."
Dr. Kurokawa's expression twitches.
But he doesn't answer anything and just looks around at the club members.
(Sensei and Shinoda-senpai--both seem to have their own circumstances)
But there was no way he would come forward here and say, "Actually, the teacher was the culprit,
The discussion gradually became tense.
(Oh no. If we go any further, the department will completely collapse)
Let's all calm down!"
Unable to resist, Otani raised his voice.
If we must suspect internally, let's make sure we gather the proper evidence.
Aizawa, any opinions?"
My heart races as I am suddenly asked to speak.
Uh, let's see. ......."
I have to say something, but I'm in a position where I'm tantamount to an outsider.
You might make a poor statement and cause unnecessary confusion.
Still, I don't feel comfortable watching in silence.
...... For now, if you want to find the culprit, I don't think you'll find it if we're all in pieces.
If there is a possibility that this is an "outside" crime, then we need to do more research on surveillance cameras and sightings around the docks.
Instead of everyone being skeptical, why don't we start by establishing the facts?"
When I finished saying it under my breath, one of the club members voiced his approval, "Oh, sure .......
Saki-senpai also nods, and her mouth tightens.
I don't know," he said. I didn't mean to doubt you either, but when I got ...... anxious, I just started imagining things recklessly."
Sorry about the ......."
Shinoda-senpai mutters quietly.
Kurokawa-sensei remained silent as ever, but eventually said, "Let's cool down a bit," and left the club room.
The assembled club members decided to end the discussion for the time being.
Hinata called out, "If you have any more questions, please write them down in the memo," as if to settle the matter.
(Anyway, I'm glad we didn't get into a big fight here: ......)
I was so relieved.
However, Shinoda-senpai's leg problem, the teacher's attitude, and Saki-senpai's impatience...... problems are still piling up.
Small clues after leaving the club room
After the discussion was over, the club activities were halfway through and the atmosphere was one of dismissal.
Most of the club members leave, saying they are not in the mood, and practice does not take place properly.
Me, Otani, and Hinata go out into the hallway, unable to do anything about it.
I'm sorry I got Aizawa-kun and the others involved."
I don't think it's anything to apologize for. It's nobody's fault."
When Otani simply replies, Hinata chuckles and says, "Thank you.
At that moment, a figure standing in front of a janitorial supply closet in the corner of the hallway caught my eye.
I looked and saw that it was Kiryu-senpai, the student council president.
Ah, Kiryu-senpai ......"
When I called out to her, Kiryu-senpai beckoned her with a faint smile, "Come here.
'Actually, you know, I did a quick check of the surveillance camera data: ......
I did see a figure pass by the back of the school building at night once."
Otani and Hinata lean forward.
Kiryu-senpai shows me the screen of his phone.
It was too dark to see clearly, but there was definitely a hooded-looking figure in the reflection.
A silhouette crosses the back of the school building and disappears somewhere.
I can't make out his face. But his height makes him look masculine.
The date is midnight of the day the board disappeared. The time was about a little after 1 a.m."
"1 a.m. ......?"
I groan.
Who can break into the school at that time of day?
The advisor would have a key, but you don't think the teacher would sneak in this way?
(But the discomfort I felt yesterday when the hooded man ...... entered the warehouse at night began to take more and more shape.)
Kiryu-senpai continues in a calm tone.
You see the unused warehouse in the back of the school building?
There may be some clues there.
If you two (Kohei and Otani) have time, you can go check it out with your advisor and Hinata."
I understand. Thank you."
Hinata also has a hopeful look in her eyes, saying, "This could be a big clue.
Just be careful. It's dangerous to enter the school at night without permission, and it's a problem for the school.
Always ask Dr. Kurokawa's permission to act. Understood?"
Kiryu-senpai said as if to remind us, and we nodded "yes" in a straightforward manner.
Whether it was an inside or outside job remains to be seen,
At least, as long as there is a "mysterious person hanging around the back of the school building at night,
It would certainly be worth looking into that.
(Is it possible that the hooded figure in the video is the one who escaped at the docks: ......?)
The mysterious figure I saw at lunchtime comes to mind.
Perhaps if they are both the same person, they might have some purpose.
Hinata also says with mixed excitement, "This looks like something is going to move.
(Yes, I have some clarity on what needs to be done. We have to act--)
I take a deep breath and reawaken my spirit.
I would like to change my "I was too scared to take the plunge" even if only a little.
Okay, I'll check with Dr. Kurokawa."
Otani and Hinata nod.
The case has only just begun.
But I think I see a tiny glimmer of light.
What is really hidden in the warehouse at night?
Is the culprit really someone inside or is it outside interference?
With various suspicions in our hearts, we left the club's activity area for the day.
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