--the morning tide is echoing.
In the distance, the sound of small waves crashing on the beach can be heard.
I, Kohei Aizawa**, was looking down on the ground facing the sea from a bank on my way to school today.
The smell of the tide and the students going down to the beach.
Faint laughter.
It is a gentle morning scene unique to a seaside town.
This high school has a somewhat unusual club activity.
So--Surfing DivisionThe following is a list of the most common problems with the
Unlike club activities that use land-based grounds, the ocean is a rare place to practice.
Moreover, the competitions are on a prefectural and national scale, and right now they are preparing for the Inter-High School qualifying rounds.
As for me, I was not particularly devoted to club activities in junior high school,
He was not a flamboyant player, but what one might call a "simple type.
I experienced surfing on a family vacation when I was in elementary school, and even now I only have strong memories of how much fun it was.
But I couldn't quite take the plunge to do it in earnest.
The reason is simple.
I didn't have the courage to step forward to do what I wanted to do.From.
As I look out at the lapping waves, I suddenly think.
If only I had been a little more dynamic then,
I wonder if he is in the surfing club now. ......
While thinking this, somewhere in the back of my mind, I also feel that it is safe to continue as I am now.
Encounter on the way to school
We went down the concrete stairs to the school gate.
The voices of the surfing club members during morning practice and the smell of the ocean wafted from everywhere.
Suddenly, a cheerful voice echoes from behind me.
Good morning! Kohei!"
I turned around and saw **Hinata Tachibana** from the same class running up to me.
I heard that she is the manager of the surfing club.
Oh ...... good morning, Tachibana ......
It's weird to call me "Ms."! We're classmates, call me normal."
Their bright smiles are dazzling.
Hinata seems to know that I was looking at the ocean earlier.
Kohei, do you like the ocean?"
I don't hate ......, though."
When I answered vaguely, Hinata gave me a curious look, saying, "Hmmm.
"Why don't you come over after school and check on the surfing club?
I'm pretty tense right now, though, with the inter-high school qualifiers coming up: ......
I mean, I'm a manager, but I'm also a lot of work."
I am momentarily confused by the invitation.
But I was so overwhelmed by his straight eyes that I ended up muddling my reply by saying, "I'll think about it.
Feeling a slight thump in my chest, I left Hinata and headed to class.
Homeroom and Club Activity Topics
We enter the classroom and homeroom begins.
After the homeroom teacher informed the whole group, he suddenly mentioned the surfing club.
Shinoda-kun and the rest of the surfing team have the Inter-Highs qualifiers next month.
We support you as a school. Please be careful of injuries and accidents."
Some of my classmates whisper to each other, "It's amazing," "I hear they're regulars at the Inter-Highs," and so on.
I watched the scene, feeling as if I was in some "other world.
Then Tomoki Otani**, sitting next to me, speaks to me in a whisper.
Hey, Kohei.
You were talking to Ms. Tachibana this morning, weren't you?
Did they invite you to observe club activities?"
...... No, we just talked for a minute."
Hmmm. Well, Tachibana-san is the manager of the surfing club,
Maybe he saw Kohei looking out at the ocean and approached him."
Ohtani is helter-skelter and teasing.
I don't know about the surfing guys either, but you should go check them out."
--that may be the case, too.
I feel kind of bad for not showing up even once, even though I've been approached by my classmates.
With these thoughts in mind, the morning classes begin.
After School--The Spark of an Incident
Eventually, after school, Otani and I headed for the surfing club's club building.
I was more of a "show up for the sun" than really intending to visit, but ......
There, I saw the surfing club members in a commotion in front of the club room.
In the center, a nervous-looking senior - aAkira ShinodaThe following is a list of the most common problems with the
"Shinoda senpai ......?"
I rush over to her and Shinoda-senpai looks at me with a pale expression.
My ...... board is no longer ......"
At that one word, the air around me seemed to harden.
The captain of the surfing club, Shinoda-senpai's precious board has disappeared?
The manager, Hinata, also quivered her lips, "What? You're kidding me. ......
The advisor, **Shuji Kurokawa**, is also a teacher,
This is not normal. Let's look for it right away. We have to consider theft."
He raised his eyebrows.
Ohtani mutters lowly, "Seriously?
I feel the same way.
(Surfing club board suddenly disappears ......?
(How is that possible?)
The key and mystery of the shed
They have a storage shed where they keep their boards, separate from the surfing club room,
I head there with Shinoda-senpai, Hinata, a few club members, and Kurokawa-sensei.
The door is securely locked. There is no damage to the lock.
Despite this, only Shinoda-senpai's board, which should have been inside, was missing.
...... how did you bring this stuff up?"
One of the club members mutters something like that, and everyone nods their heads.
To take a large surfboard out of the shed, you need to unlock it.
The keys are basically managed by our advisor, Mr. Kurokawa,
I heard that club members and managers would ask the teacher every time they wanted to use it.
Yet the door is not broken down, only the board is missing.
It was like a magic trick, and no one could hide their bewilderment.
"You can also talk to the police at ......."
As one club member was about to say, Kurokawa-sensei nodded his head and said, "Yes, that's right.
Frankly, there's a good chance it's stolen. Let's not only look for it on campus, but also on the beach and at other establishments."
Hey, if you need anything, call me right away."
Hinata also calls out in a serious manner.
But his voice is somewhat trembling.
Hinata's request
The club members then searched around the school grounds and surrounding area, but,
In the end, we didn't get any leads that day.
In the evening, when everyone is getting ready to leave, Hinata comes running to me and Otani.
Hey ...... if you'd like to help me search.
......Yesterday, Aizawa-kun seemed a bit interested in the ocean."
I said so, but I'm an outsider."
Seeing me at a loss for an answer, Hinata clasps her hands in front of her chest.
But I don't have much time. Shinoda-senpai has an inter-high school qualifier coming up,
We can't do without that board."
Otani lightly expressed his enthusiasm, saying, "I'm good, it looks interesting.
Hinata then says, "Thank you!" and turns a strong smile.
His smile makes me feel strangely unable to refuse.
(...... If they ask you this seriously, you'll have to do it)
I understand. Let me know if there's anything I can do to help."
When I told her this, Hinata nodded, looking deeply relieved.
Thank you, Aizawa-kun! Thanks, Aizawa-kun. ......!"
My heart is pounding.
Even without words, I could feel how anxious and impatient Hinata was right now.
The evening sky and the shadow of Capt.
After that, I went all around with Hinata and the club members, around the school building and even behind the gymnasium,
Nothing was found.
The sun is setting and the school is beginning to feel deserted.
In the midst of all this, I found Shinoda-senpai cowering alone on the outskirts of the school building.
...... Shinoda-senpai, are you okay?"
When I quietly call out to her, Shinoda-senpai slowly looks up.
She appears to have thin dark circles under her eyes and looks exhausted.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry you had to go through all that trouble.
You're Aizawa ......, right?"
Yes, my name is Kohei Aizawa, also a sophomore.
Shinoda-senpai scratched his head in a "oh dear" gesture.
"I wonder what's really going on with my board .......
That board has a special meaning. Not just for use in competitions,
......" for me.
I almost said that much, but swallowed the words.
I can tell that there are some heavy circumstances.
Then I see a senior stand up and I suddenly realize.
It looked as if he had stood up to cover his right leg.
"Senpai, leg ...... possibly injured?"
I asked, but Shinoda-senpai would not say anything more, saying, "It's just my imagination.
The gesture seemed to stifle the pain, though I sensed that he was pushing himself too hard in some way,
The atmosphere was not conducive to deep pursuit.
(That board and this leg injury ...... Shinoda-senpai seems to have a lot on his mind)
But now we still can't get anything out of him.
I just kept saying, "Take it easy.
End of the Day--Locked in Thoughts
Finally, the club broke up without any clues on the day.
Everyone was exhausted and headed home.
As I was changing my shoes at the entrance to the elevator, Hinata came running up to me.
I really appreciate everything you did for me today. I didn't know what to expect, but you helped."
No, I'm the one who didn't do much ......"
Hinata smiles sadly as she honestly thinks so.
But it's reassuring just to be able to help in this way.
Can I ask you again tomorrow at ...... if you have time?"
Their innocent eyes stare at us anxiously.
"Yeah ...... I get it. Just give me a shout."
I'm surprised at myself for thinking that way.
I guess you could say that I'm not a pushover,
Somewhere along the way, I feel a budding desire to "take the first step.
At night, on the way home
When I go home, I feel somewhat uncomfortable in my room.
As I lie in bed, the events of the day spin around in my head.
The board of Shinoda-senpai, the captain of the surfing club, disappears.
The lock to the shed was not broken and is likely stolen.
The advisor, Mr. Kurokawa, is seemingly reliable, but also somewhat unnatural.
And Shinoda-senpai's leg injury seems to be hidden.
I wonder what's going on at ......."
I don't have an easy answer for you when I think about it.
But if I move with Hinata and Otani, I might be able to see something.
Gently closing my eyes, I heard the sound of waves echoing behind my ears.
-as if whispering, "Give it a try.
But at the same time, there is a whispering sensation that says, "You're scared, aren't you?" but at the same time, there is a sense of being whispered to me, "Aren't you scared?
Somewhere along the way, he knows he is a "coward who can't take the plunge.
I guess I'll just have to go to ...... and get some sleep."
Tomorrow, something new could happen.
Thinking this, I slowly close my eyelids.
When consciousness fades against the sound of the waves,
There was a mixture of just a little anticipation and anxiety in my heart.
- thus, the school life, which should be nothing out of the ordinary,
The disappearance of a surfboard begins to shake things up.
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