Step by Stage! ~ I can't believe I'm going to be the leader of a dance circle! ~...

Episode 3: "Don't Lose, Leader, Practice Policy First!"

Lost leader, again.

For the past few days, it has become a routine for me to open the notepad on my phone whenever I wake up in the morning. It was filled with a list of things to do on the festival stage that I had compiled. We had agreed on a rough schedule at the last meeting, but the specific schedule was still vague.

How do you adjust the number of practices, 2 or 3 a week ......?" What about part-time groups? When do we have a listening session to decide on the songs? Who will be in charge of costumes? How do we raise money for costumes? There is no end to the number of things to think about. ......

 My head was still in bed, my eyes wandering aimlessly from sleep, but when I looked at my desk, I saw the draft of the "practice plan" I had written the other night while staying up late. I wrote down a rough idea of what we would do in the two and a half months remaining until the festival, divided into weekly segments. ...... "There's no way this is going to go so well," I chuckled to myself.

 Still, I was about to take a small step forward when Rika-senpai advised me not to aim for perfection right off the bat, but to just get it in shape. At today's circle practice, I would first show the members my "tentative practice plan.
I hope that makes sense to everyone. ......"
 Muttering this to myself, I got out of the futon, finished breakfast, and started getting ready to head off to college. It was a constant struggle, but my heart was somewhat excited.

It was supposed to be a listening session...

Late afternoon. We were gathered in a rented classroom on campus. Today we were supposed to have a "listening session" for potential songs, but as soon as we started, there was unexpected confusion.

What, the CD won't read ......?"
 When I tried to play a sound file brought by one of the circle members, it seemed that the player provided in the classroom was old and could not read the file properly. Furthermore, Sho brought his laptop, but the Wi-Fi was not working properly and he could not stream the music.
I've prepared for you. I went to the trouble of preparing for this."
 Sho is scratching his head and lamenting. Next to him, Makoto says, "Then why don't you just listen to it on your phone!" but Shizuku makes a pragmatic quip, "The sound is too low unless you connect it to speakers. Mayu said, "I want to listen to it with good sound quality anyway. If I play it on my phone, I can't get a good image of it. ......

 I have a CD and a phone lying around. I don't have enough equipment to play them at high volume. Rika-senpai, perhaps noticing my impatience, called out to me with a snap.
I'm sorry, I actually had speakers in the student center, but it seems that another club is going to use them. Maybe if I wait a bit I can borrow them.
I see. Well, maybe we can take it easy today and start over later. ......"
 Considering everyone's availability, it might just be a flurry of activity if I pushed too hard at this point. When I suggested this, Makoto and Sho readily agreed, saying, "I see, let's do it at a later date. Even Shizuku and Mayu, who seemed to be very particular, reluctantly agreed that it could not be helped if the equipment was inadequate.

 Thus, today's hearing was cancelled. Instead, we decided to move on to a discussion of practice policies - and we did.

Practice plan, everyone's reaction

Using the cancelled classroom as it was, we arranged tables and chairs in a circle for the meeting time. I handed out the "tentative practice plan" that I had brought with me.
This is the plan I've come up with. It is only tentative, so I would like to revise it as I get feedback."
 When I handed them the paper with a sense of excitement, they each looked it over and responded, "Hmmm... ......" or "Oh, it's surprisingly detailed.

 The main points are as follows.

  1. Whole team practice is based on twice a week (weekday evenings + either weekend).
  2. One of these sessions per week is an intensive formation-centered practice.
  3. The rest of the time will be used for basic practice and choreography matching.
  4. A separate date will be arranged when a circle room can be reserved for self-discipline.

 In response, opinions quickly fly.
I think it's possible to have a formation-only day. If you do a medley, you can change your position a lot.
 Makoto nodded affirmatively, but Shizuku interrupted.
But is one day a week of basic practice enough? We are still good, but there are beginner dancers too. I've heard some of the less-experienced dancers say they are getting impatient.
"For the beginner group, I think we have to have them do the basics first through independent practice ....... But we have to teach them too. ......"
 I clam up. It is true that if there is not enough time for beginners' instruction, it will affect the overall completeness of the program. However, it would be extremely difficult to do everything in the limited time available.

 Mayu then made an unusually forward statement.
I'm good at coming up with choreography and I used to go to a studio. I'm good at coming up with choreography, and I used to go to a studio.
What? Really? Mayu, you would go that far?"
 When I was surprised, Mayu puffed out her chest proudly.
I'm not afraid of teaching," he said. I need time to think about the costumes, but if I support the beginners, the formation for the show will be clear, won't it?"
 I see. For my part, it was a welcome suggestion. Then Shizuku also said, "Then I'll help you with the basic step lecture. If there are too many people, there may not be enough people to teach.
Oh, great. That's reassuring!"
 Makoto happily applauded, and Sho, as usual, said appropriately, "Well, I'll be the one to liven things up ....... Makoto was laughing as she gave him a hard time, "Yeah, you should do something more useful!" Makoto was laughing as he was being sniped at by Sho.

 Looking at it this way, I think I am gradually beginning to see everyone's "strong points". Mayu and Shizuku are good at teaching, Makoto enlivens the team with his energy, and Sho is ...... a good communicator? In short, as long as you don't let them get carried away, they should come in handy.
Mayu and Shizuku will be in charge of basic practice. When the beginners practice on their own, please give them advice on the days when you can come. I will also follow up as much as possible.
 As I was taking notes and summarizing, Makoto raised his hand.
So, how do you decide on the formation for the main event? It depends on whether it's a medley or not.
Ugh. ......."
 Let's get back to that. The medley issue has not yet been finalized, and the song itself has not been decided because of the postponement of the hearing.
I think we can only decide on the general framework until the song is finalized. ...... For now, should we at least talk about whether to have the center change at the chorus-like part, or whether we should have multiple showcases?"
"Oh, that's something like that. It's good, it's good, it's good!"
 As Makoto nods vigorously, Shizuku coolly continues, "We should decide on the song first and then work out the details, but it's not a bad idea to share the image.
 I pat my chest in relief. It makes me a little happy to see how smoothly the conversation goes when members constructively exchange ideas with each other .......

Small Steps Forward

 After about 30 minutes of further discussion, we agreed on the following as our "training policy" for the time being.

  1. warm-up exercisesTwice a week (weekday evenings + either Saturday or Sunday)
    • One of these days is designated as a "formation-centered day" to confirm the general framework of the standings, whether medley or not.
    • The other session will be for basic practice & choreography. Once the song is decided, we will concentrate on the choreography of the chorus part.
  2. Self-training and beginner support:
    • Mayu and Shizuku will be the main teachers. Koharu will also participate if there is room.
    • Communication will be shared verbatim in a LINE group, and those who are able to participate will get together to do so.
  3. Songs decided & choreography proposed:
    • Hold another listening session when equipment is available. We will be prepared for the multiple song medley proposal, but if it looks too difficult, we will shift to one or two songs.
    • The proposed choreography will be discussed not only with Mayu and Shizuku, but with everyone.

 It is by no means perfect, and there are still many uncertainties. But from scratch, it seemed like a big step forward. At least I can feel that everyone is starting to look in the same direction.

I'm like, "Okay, that's about it for today. Now let's actually move our bodies!"
 Makoto raised his voice, and the other members got up from their seats at once. Since there was still time left to use the classroom, they decided to do some simple stretching and step practice.
I think I haven't been moving my body at all lately. Oh no, maybe I'm losing muscle mass?"
 Mayu twists at the waist with laughter, and Shizuku replies in a calm tone, "You'll get hurt if you don't do it up right. Makoto and Sho chuckled at their exchange. My cheeks naturally relaxed as I watched the scene.

With laughter and accidents.

 Each person begins stretching to his or her heart's content. The classroom is not very big, but if you pull the desks into a corner, you can at least move a little.

I'm going to do a light downstep now, so if you're in the beginner group, just follow my lead.
 Mayu called out to the dancers and stood in front of them. Mayu stood in front of the dancers, bending her arms in rhythm and stepping up and down with her feet, a basic movement. Shizuku stood next to her and demonstrated, "If you use your knees firmly here, it will look cool.
Look, Sho, your rhythm is off!"
'Whoa, seriously, ......? Something doesn't fit."
 As Sho was trying his best to match them with a wry smile, Makoto said, "Orya! Makoto starts to mix up the jump step vigorously.
What? Why jump there?"
 When Shizuku asked in surprise, Makoto replied, "Because I'm kind of on fire! Makoto laughs boldly. This kind of laugh is typical of Makoto and makes everyone around her laugh.
 But perhaps she was too focused on the jump, or perhaps Makoto failed to land and lost his stance with a wobble.
"Wow! ......! Watch out!"
 He almost fell over, but Sho supported him just in time to save his life. The air in the classroom was filled with an "ooh" at once.
Hey, what are you doing already ......!"
 When Makoto blushes with embarrassment, Sho teases, "No, no, it's natural to support the princess~.
Who says she's a princess?
 Makoto makes a tsk tsk and everyone laughs again. Thus, an awkward but lively time passes.

small confidence

After a round of stretching and basic step practice, it was quickly just about time to use the classroom. As I cleaned up, I felt a slight sense of accomplishment deep inside.
'Even though the hearing was cancelled today, it might have turned out to be a good time. And everyone is moving forward. ......"
 There are still many problems to be solved. But as I move around like this, I can feel my anxiety turning to excitement. The most important thing is that the members are gradually sharing roles and recognizing each other's areas of expertise.

 Rika senior came out of the corner of the classroom with papers in her hand. Apparently, she was organizing the circle's administrative documents.
Everyone's tired. Oh, looks like fun."
Rica Senior. I'm sorry I couldn't make the hearing today. ......"
 When I bowed my head, the older man laughed and shrugged his shoulders, saying, "That's okay, that's not necessary.
If something goes wrong, just do what you can do instead. Koharu, you're starting to look like a leader, aren't you?"
Is that so ......?"
I'm sure you're right. When I saw Koharu today, she was turning everyone around. And the members are following each other's lead. This is huge.

 Rika-senpai made me realize it again. Mayu and Shizuku have bought me beginner support, and Makoto and Sho are taking on the role of mood makers in a good way....... Certainly, I am not the only one working hard. Everyone is starting to find things to do.
"This feeling isn't bad ......! Now if we can just get the song right, maybe we can get some more momentum going."
 With this in mind, I am looking forward to the listening sessions and specific choreography work that is coming up next.

small meeting

Before we left the classroom and broke up in the lobby, I called out to everyone.
I'd like to arrange a date when we can use the equipment and have a listening party this weekend or next week if possible. What are your plans?"
I can get Saturday evenings off.
 Sho says as he opens the calendar on his phone. Makoto nods, "I might be able to run in on Saturday after my morning job. Shizuku replies, "I'll be fine," still short on words. Mayu wonders, "I have an appointment with a friend, but I wonder if I can manage it if I move the time." Mayu wonders, "I have an appointment with a friend, but I wonder if I can manage to move it up.
I said, "Good, I think we can all make it work. Let's set Saturday evening as the first choice, and let's decide on a more detailed time in the LINE group.
Roger that!
I'm looking forward to it. I'll look forward to it."

 And so we move on to the next step. This time we would like to decide on a song and solidify the concept of the stage. The members are still a bit confused, but they are trying their best to stay positive. I am very excited to see their positive attitude.

Resolutions on the Way Home

 After we broke up, I walked around the campus for a while before heading home. I felt the sunlight gradually turning to autumn. Speaking of autumn, it's time for the school festival. Just thinking about the festival, which will be held in a little over two months, makes me feel a mixture of nervousness and excitement.

 What suddenly came to my mind was why I started dancing. I was shocked by the sparkling stage of the dance club I saw in high school, and my first thought was, "I want to dance too! I thought, "I want to dance too! Then, when I became a university student, I joined a dance club and met many different people.
 I want to recreate the pure excitement of those days, this time on the cultural festival stage. When I think of this, my steps naturally become lighter.
"Let's work harder ......! We still have a lot of work to do, but I'm sure we can get through it with you guys."

 With a small gut-punch, I walked one more stop than usual. The night breeze somehow calmed me down, and I felt like I could walk forward tomorrow.


 Thus, we gradually move toward the final stage of song selection. Preparation for the listening session, detailed modifications to practice policies, arrangements for beginner instruction--each one is tedious and time-consuming. But beyond that, the dream of creating the best stage together awaits us all.

 Not long ago I would have said, "I can't be a leader!" I shrank back. But now I think, "Even if I can't do it, I might be able to do it if I try step by step. But now I think, "Even if it's impossible, if I try one step at a time, I might be able to make it.

 Feeling the confidence of my friends, I open the notepad on my phone again. There, I see the newly updated "Practice Policy" and "Future Tasks. I'll go back to the computer after I get home and sort it all out. Rika-senpai is right, it is important to move forward even if things aren't perfect.

 There is still a long way to go, and I am sure there will be plenty of conflicts and problems. But right now I feel I can take a little pride in my heart.
Okay, ......, good luck tomorrow!"
 As I murmured this to the night sky, a small power welled up from deep within me.
