1. 本番前日、学生会館の朝
そうつぶやきながら、ドアが開く気配に振り向くと、**佐藤 真琴(さとう まこと)**が足首を気遣いながら入ってきた。サポーターはしているものの、表情は明るい。
2. 真琴の足首、そしてロックパート
「おはよ、小春。足首、だいぶいい感じだよ! 昨日も夜に軽く動かしてみたら、痛みがだいぶ引いてきた」
その後、**大谷 翔(おおたに しょう)**や初心者組もぞろぞろと到着し、さっそく練習室の空気が賑やかになる。翔が「よっしゃ、今日はがっつり踊って仕上げるぞ!」と声を張り上げ、みんなで「おーっ!」とモチベーションを高める。
3. 音響の不安はまだ残るが…
**宮田 シズク(みやた しずく)**はクールに「本番当日、音割れしても動揺しないための練習をしよう」と提案し、今日はあえて音源の音量を時々下げたり、隣の部屋の雑音を流したりして“逆境慣れ”を目指す。
4. 最後の通し練習、三回連続の過酷メニュー
- 1回目:通常通りの音量で通し。フォーメーションや動きを最終確認。
- 2回目:あえて音量を途中で下げたり、休憩を挟まずに踊る。イレギュラーに対応するため。
- 3回目:ほぼ本番を想定した一発集中。衣装も簡易的に整え、実際の曲順で全力を注ぐ。
合宿を思い出すようなハードなメニューだが、みんな文句も言わずに「やるしかない!」と奮起してくれている。**鈴木 真由(すずき まゆ)**もK-POPパートやディスコパートでの小物を最終確認しながら、「踊りきったあとの打ち上げが楽しみ!」と笑ってみせる。
ただ、問題はMakoto's ankle。連続3回の通しで負担をかけすぎるのは危険だ。真琴自身は「大丈夫」と言うが、無理は禁物だろう。私はリーダーとして「2回目は無理しないで休んでもいいんだよ?」と提案するが、真琴は強く首を振る。
5. 1回目通し:仕上がりは十分
最後の集合ポーズまで決まり、全員が「よし!」と手応えを感じる。息を切らしながら私が「いいんじゃない!? 今までで一番かも!」と言うと、みんなニコッと微笑む。真琴も足首を抑えながら「大丈夫、大丈夫、まだ動ける……!」とホッとした様子だ。
6. 2回目通し:あえて音量を下げる試験
少しだけ水分補給をしてから、2回目の通しに突入。今度は途中でcardamom (Elettaria cardamomum)が合図を出し、あえて音量を下げたり、BGMを一瞬止めるなどイレギュラーを作り出す。
さらに予想外のタイミングでturn off the lights(Turn off the lights in the practice room for a moment. This is a practice to keep moving without panicking even in a short darkened room. Then, Mayu said, "Hey! Maybe I'm not in the right position! Mayu laughed and made a slight adjustment.
The intention of "getting used to adversity" worked out well, and I feel that everyone's ability to cope with adversity is improving. Makoto also danced through his second dance and smiled reassuringly, saying, "Okay, I've managed it.
7. third time through: final last spurt
And then, late afternoon. Finally.3回目The final rehearsal of the day was the last one. The costume and accessories were worn in a manner similar to that of the actual performance, and the dance was assumed to be a "one-shot" competition that would end once the dance was completed.
It's the final battle of the day! Let's give it our all and make it count!"
When I call out to them, they all "ooh!" and pump their fists in the air. Makoto is rewrapping the taping over her supporter, Sho is styling her hair, and the novice group is getting into their last nerve.
The music starts - at the moment of the intro, the three rock part players all jump out at once. Makoto's unvoiced passion shakes the air, Saki leaps to follow her back, and Sho adds a comical touch that is not overly playful.
Moving on to the cool part, the sharp moves continued, led by Shizuku, and Mayu and the novice girls added glamour to the K-POP part. In the final disco part, Takuya and the male group were all gung-ho.
I myself try not to be too conspicuous in the connecting parts of the song, and I look around the entire room to correct any subtle misalignments. I can feel the practice room filled with the same enthusiasm as the actual performance.
Then, the last finishing pose. As soon as everyone had struck the finishing pose, the practice room was filled with applause and cheers. Even though they were out of breath, everyone's faces were filled with a sense of accomplishment. Makoto also huffs and puffs, "My legs ...... hurt, but I'm fine ......! and smiles. Everyone has the best expression on their face.
8. unexpected visitor? A friend from another circle came to give encouragement.
As I begin to stretch to cool down, there is a knock at the practice room door and a familiar face walks in. Yo! I was surprised to see a familiar face.Friend, YukoIt is.
I heard a rumor. I heard that tomorrow is the day of the festival. How are your preparations going?"
Yuko speaks to me in a light tone, to which I reply with a wry smile, "Well, I'm still full of anxiety ....... Not only is she in the same class with me, but she was one of the people who had been listening to my worries before the camp.
I'm sure everything will be fine! I'll be there tomorrow to see it. Everyone in the circle will be cheering for you, so do your best!
Yuko's energetic shouts not only to me, but to all the members, "Thank you! and smiles. Makoto's cheeks relaxed as she said, "I'm really happy to hear my friends' support.
9. final confirmation meeting and dismissal
Finally, the circle members formed a circle and made a final confirmation about tomorrow's performance.
- time one is supposed to meetI arrived backstage in the morning and stood by early, although I was not sure if I would be able to rehearse.
- Costumes and accessoriesMayu reads the checklist and everyone responds "OK!
- ankle problemMakoto: Makoto will dance as much as he can, but if the pain worsens, he will return to "Plan B" with Sho & Saki.
- Lack of backstage staff: Saki and several members of the novice group follow up in between cues.
While everyone was sharing their opinions, there was no sense of heaviness; in fact, there was even a sense of elation in the air. The atmosphere is calm and positive, as if the clashes before and during the training camp were a lie.
At the end I said, "Let's make tomorrow a great stage for all of us! No matter what kind of trouble you're going through, we can handle it!" I called out to them, and they all responded in unison with a powerful "Oh! was the strong reply.
Thus, after the final practice and confirmation on the day before the performance, the dance circle disbanded to prepare for tomorrow. Everyone was getting ready to go home, regretting their last moments. Makoto, while applying icing to his ankle, said, "We must go to bed early at night and prepare for tomorrow," while Sho, Saki, and the beginners' group seemed unable to hide their excitement, "It's already tomorrow. ......
Me,Koharu Sakuraiis turning off the light in the practice room and suddenly gazing out the window. As he gazes out at the dusk-tinted campus, his heart fills with emotion as he thinks back on the path they have taken so far. The clashes at the training camp, the lack of sound rehearsal, Makoto's injury, the beginners' challenge, the collaboration with Mayu, Shizuku, and Sho--everything will come together in one moment tomorrow.
'Okay, ...... let's do it. We've worked so hard to get this far. Let's definitely make it ......!"
I closed the door, took a deep breath, and headed home. Tomorrow would be the day to show the culmination of "Step by Stage. I decided to express the joy of dancing with my friends as best I could.
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