Introduction 2: Seven Wonders of the Old School Building

1. after-school classroom

A few students still remained in the classroom after school. There were faint sounds of classmates enjoying chatting with each other and dragging chairs. The three members of the Sorena trio, Leo, Naoki, and Souta, were occupied with certain gossip as they sat at their desks.

"Hey, are you sure you want to go? To the old schoolhouse?"

When Sota asked anxiously, Leo nodded with a big smile on his face.

It's obvious, isn't it? Just the sound of the Seven Wonders is exciting."

"But what if the teacher or the student body president finds out. ...... That place is off limits, right?"

Naoki says in a rational tone. He, in contrast to Leo, is the type of person who thinks everything through rationally. Leo stood up from his desk as if he had not heard the question.

Don't talk about the details. Don't get into details. You have to think about that after you get there.

It's that kind of personality that's the most dangerous of all.

Naoki sighs in exasperation as he pushes up his glasses. It is a usual scene. In the end, both Naoki and Souta are dragged by Leo's momentum to the old school building behind the school.

2. the road to the old school building

According to the gossip of upperclassmen I glimpsed during lunch break, there were a number of spooky rumors about the old school building. A piano that plays by itself in the music room at night, a model of the human body that wanders around the science room,...... another that books in the library disappear, and another that there is a staircase that never ends. All of these stories tickle the hearts of children. Leo is not averse to such "ghost stories.

How do you even know if it's true until you see it?"

Anyway, Leo's mind was driven. He has always been quick to jump in when he sees something new and strange. Naoki, on the other hand, has a cold attitude from the start, saying, "It's all an illusion or someone's prank anyway. Souta is a bit of a scaredy-cat, but he is determined to be with the two of them.

It was time to leave school, and the three of us hurried to the edge of the schoolyard. The evening light tinted the walls of the school building a pale orange. We went around to the back of the school, which is normally off-limits, and saw an old building surrounded by a dilapidated sign and a rough fence. This is the old school building.

Wow, ...... is a lot shabbier than I thought."

Leo sighed as he shared his impressions. Many of the windows were broken, the exterior walls were faded, and the boards had come off in places. It looks more like a ruin than a school building. Naoki looks rather relieved at the sight.

In this condition, it's not surprising that a human model would move at night, that no one would clean it, or that there would be strange creaking noises somewhere. It must be some sort of natural phenomenon."

But it's ...... scary to go to the music room at night here."

Sota said, and Leo shrugged.

It's all right. It's still light out and the piano won't sound until nighttime. Let's just go inside and have a look around.

3. window glass and fine cleaning

"This window over here, it's cracked. ...... It's rather big, I think I can get in from here."

Wow, there's some atmosphere here: ......"

At Souta's tweet, Leo laughs and says, "That's what you want! Leo laughed. Naoki was skeptical, but he had come this far and was in no mood to turn back anytime soon.

The floor creaked beneath their feet as they cautiously stepped through the window. Dust flying in the air, the three of us descend into a dimly lit hallway. The ceiling lights in the hallway have long since been removed, and the paint on the walls is peeling in places. It must have been neglected for many years.

Wow, ...... really looks like something out of a horror movie."

Souta looks around with a wry smile. Leo looks rather amused. Naoki takes out his flashlight and shines it around, checking to see if any boards have fallen out.

If you make a mistake and the floor comes loose, you could get seriously hurt. Be careful.

Yes, yes, yes, yes!"

Leo replied lightly, but inwardly he was thrilled with excitement. This was a "boy's adventure" indeed. At the end of the hallway is a staircase, and on the wall of the landing is graffiti. Amongst the jumble of classmates' names, favorite idols' characters, and pranks, one new character caught my eye.

"...... 'Mirror Ni Beware'?"

Naoki raises his eyebrows as he shines his flashlight.

I said, "What do you mean? Is there a mirror here?"

Leo looked around, but there was nothing hanging on the wall. Souta stared at the lettering a little uneasily.

"Mirrors are one of the seven wonders of ....... It's about a mirror on a dance floor that reflects things that aren't supposed to be reflected in it."

"...... maybe, here?"

But I don't see a mirror. Maybe they moved it somewhere else."

The three of them were walking up the stairs with their heads tilted back. Leo raised his elbow and hit the windowpane on the landing with all his might. "Hey, ......!" Leo shouted, and a small crack appeared in the glass, causing the three of them to gasp.

Eventually, he rushed outside to find that the sunset was turning reddish purple. The next morning, their homeroom teacher, Mr. Murata, immediately found out and ordered them to clean the old school building. It is a "punishment" that should have been a heavy-hearted one, but for the three of them, it is rather a "chance to enter the old school building with impunity.

4. back to the old school building

After school, the three of us were escorted by our teacher to clean the old school building. Opening the main entrance with a rusty key, they found the hallway still filled with dead leaves and dust. The teacher gave them a once-over and nailed them to "stay out of the way" before handing the three of them a mop and rag.

However, the three of us are clearly interested in the "extra places. If they are to discover the true nature of the Seven Wonders, they want to see the music room, the science room, and even the mirror on the dance floor. When they heard that the teacher was going to pick up his tools, the three of them looked at each other and smiled. It was the perfect opportunity.

I climbed the stairs to the second floor, where I found a dimly lit hallway and a door with a plaque that read faintly "Music Room" or something similar. As I pushed open the door, the dusty air hit my nose and I saw an upright piano sitting in the back.

I wonder how it works that this place rings on its own. ......

Naoki pressed lightly on the keys and a discordant note sounded. Souta shrugs and Leo's eyes sparkle. If we wait until night, will the rumored phenomenon really happen? Or is it just a hoax? The imagination was running wild, but the sound of the teacher's voice calling from downstairs forced the three of them to rush back.

5. thoughts on the music room at night

In the end, the day ended with a little cleaning of the music room. I also wiped the area around the cracked windowpane, but found nothing noteworthy. As long as I was escorted by the teacher, I could not move boldly.

It is time to leave school, and the three of them are walking in the schoolyard. Leo is always saying, "Something more interesting is bound to happen at night," and can't hide his excitement. Naoki is cool about it, saying, "There's even a security guard, and if he finds us, we'll be out. Souta is still scared, saying, "Well, I'm still scared. ......," but he also feels that he can take the plunge if he is with the two of them.

That's it!"

The three voices naturally overlap and smile at each other. The Seven Wonders are still far from being solved, but the feeling is that they have put their foot on the doorstep of the Seven Wonders. I wonder if the music room at night really sounds suspicious, what the mirrors reflect, and what mysteries lie in wait in the science room and library. Even if it is scary, I am curious. Even if it is dangerous, I want to know. As their sense of adventure swelled, the story of the Solenatrio was about to move into deeper territory.
