Introduction 1: Solenatrio is formed!

 In the school building after school, there were faint sounds of laughter from students returning home after club activities and footsteps passing each other in the corridors. The setting sun shining through the window cast long shadows on the floor. Amidst all this, there were three figures still remaining in the classroom.
 Their name,Leo., ,Naoki (Japanese brand of haloperidol), ,Souta.The three of them are known as the **"Solena Trio**". Together, the three of them are known as the **"Sorena Trio. At first, the nickname was given to them by a classmate who was just being cold-hearted, but all three of them grew to like it, and before long it had become a common name for them.

1. three after school

"Hey, Leo! If you're going to run, say the word!"

 Naoki hurriedly chased after Leo, who opened the classroom door with great force. Leo is a short-tempered, goofy guy, though,When they find something interesting, they make a mad dash for it.It's a personality that does it.

I'm sorry, I'm sorry. But you know, Naoki, you're too slow!"

 Without turning around, Leo leaps out of the classroom and runs down the hallway. Naoki, following behind him, was out of breath, pushing up the bridge of his glasses. He.Knowledgeable and logicalBut it's not that I am athletically challenged. It's just that I have a hard time keeping up with Leo's momentum.

I'm not sure why Leo is in such a hurry.... Why is Leo in such a hurry..."

 Naoki's gaze caught sight of Souta. Souta is walking leisurely, smiling wryly.

I'm sorry, Naoki. Leo, once he gets an idea, he just goes for it."

...... huh, well I'm used to it."

 Souta.Laid back and friendly to all.Personality. He is the calmest of the three and always seems to be the bridge between them.

2. origin of the solenatorio

 It was around the middle of the fourth grade that the three of us naturally began to get together. It all started when the three of us were grouped together for a field trip. Classmates would make fun of us, saying, "You are always together," or "You are like a group of three," and suddenly someone would say, "You are like a group of three," and we would all go out together.solenatrioWe called ourselves the "team". At first, I would have hated it, as if I was being made fun of, but as the three of us played adventure games together, before long it felt like a team name.

We're called the Sorena Trio, and that's pretty cool, right?"

 It was just before summer vacation when Leo said so. Naoki looked reluctant, but said, "Not so bad," and Souta laughed and said, "It has a nice ring to it. Even the teachers now call them the "Sorena Trio.

3. classmates' gossip: What are the Seven Wonders?

By the way, there's something that's been bugging me lately."

 Leo turned the corner of the hallway and stopped. Naoki and Souta also stopped without thinking, waiting for Leo to speak.

The old school buildingseven wonders (of a particular area)You know?"

The Seven Wonders? I've heard rumors about it. Something about the music room at night, or a human model moving in the science lab."

 Naoki sounds less than interested as he crosses his arms.

Yeah, yeah, that's it. A sixth-year senior recently told me that he heard a piano playing by itself in the music room at night."

 Leo's story makes Souta look somewhat pale.

What? I'd be scared if that really happened..."

It's scary, isn't it? But it's also kind of fun."

 Leo smiles with his best smile. Then Naoki said with a sigh.

I mean, what's the scientific explanation for wind, building creaks, etc.? Nothing is really haunted."

'You're talking logic again, but have you ever actually seen it?'

I don't have a ......."

 Naoki was speechless at Leo's pursuit. Souta chuckles and watches the exchange between the two.

4. the watchword "Sorena!"

So what are we going to do? Since we're here, let's go see if there's any truth to the rumors."

 When Leo suggested with a twinkle in his eye, Naoki raised his eyebrows again. Souta's gaze wandered from side to side, a bit puzzled.

"Um, ......, but wouldn't the teacher get mad if she found out?"

Well, sure. But that's okay. You can explore a little bit."

 Leo grins. And just as the three of them looked at each other in unison, there was a spontaneous word that came out of their mouths.

."That's it!"

 These words are always uttered when the three of us decide on something together. It was as if it was proof of their unity of mind. Sometimes classmates would jokingly imitate it, but it was an important signal for the solenatrio.

5. leo's little adventurous spirit

 Leo has always been good at finding "little adventures". In kindergarten, he used a vacant lot behind a park as a "secret base" to play with neighborhood children. When he was in elementary school, he once dug through a small bush on the school grounds to find an insect nest.

Hey Naoki, remember the old days?"

 Leo said, suddenly nostalgic as he climbed the stairs. Naoki looked doubtful.

'Which one are you referring to? There are too many tales of your adventures to know which one you are referring to."

You know, in the first grade, we were playing hide-and-seek in the gym and the teacher was really mad at us.

'Oh ...... that's it. I was pissed, sure, but you were the first one to say, 'Let's go!' You were the first one to ask me to go."

Heh. That was pretty exciting too, right?"

 Naoki looked dumbfounded, but admitted in a whisper, "It was definitely a little funny. Souta smiled as if remembering.

We went into the gym and said, "That's it! and we went into the gymnasium. It brings back memories.

6. the story of Souta's dream

Come to think of it, I've been having some weird dreams lately."

 When Souta pouted, Leo and Naoki turned to look at each other. Souta is laid-back, but sometimes he has oddly sharp dreams or intuitions to talk about.

What dream?"

I'm walking down a dark hallway with three other people. But all the signs and posters on the walls are upside down. And we're looking for something, but we're not sure what."

Upside down? It's like looking in a mirror?"

'Hmmm, it feels like that too. And then, along the way, a big mirror comes up and ...... I wake up in there."

It's a strangely realistic dream. Weren't you scared?"

 When Leo nodded his head, Souta smiled vaguely.

It's more mysterious than scary. But maybe that mirror was a little ...... scary, like it was going to suck me in."

7. check the Seven Wonders list

 After school, the three of us looked at the "Seven Wonders List" on the blackboard in our class. It is unclear who started writing this list and when, but upon closer inspection, there are additional writings and illustrations here and there.

  1. Piano rings in the music room at night
  2. Human body models in the science lab move
  3. Books disappear in the library
  4. There's a staircase that never ends.
  5. A girl with a red umbrella appears.
  6. School lunchroom disappears at night
  7. What is not supposed to be reflected in the mirror on the dance floor

Wow, it's exciting to see them all lined up like this."

 Leo's eyes light up. Naoki, on the other hand, watches calmly, his hand over his mouth in thought.

It's almost like it can be explained by wind or optical illusions," he said. The fact that the human models move could just be someone playing a prank."

But, you know, if everyone is talking about it, then there must be something going on."

 Souta laughs softly. Naoki snorts, but finally says, "Well, it's worth verifying.

8. full-fledged start of operations

Then let's go to the old school building Saturday after school!"

 Leo clenched his fists and was enthusiastic. Naoki pushed up his glasses a little hesitantly, but soon nodded his head in contemplation. Souta looks worried, but smiles when he sees them.

"If the three of us go together, we're not afraid... right?"

Oh! Things are definitely going to get interesting!"

 At Leo's words, the three of them spoke together at the same time.

."That's it!"

 Thus, their adventure quietly begins. At this point, no one had imagined that the mirror in the old school building would become a doorway to a mysterious world. The mirror in the old school building will be the door that leads them to a mysterious world.

9. background depiction: school building at dusk

 The evening sun shining through the windows of the school building paints the corridor red. Long shadows stretch across the floor, and the occasional breeze from outside ruffles the curtains. The sound of three people's footsteps echoed softly in the school, which had begun to quiet down.
 Leo felt his heart racing as he looked out the window. He had always had a strong desire to get out of his "normal life" and go somewhere adventurous. This time, the "Seven Wonders" was also the most exciting for him.

Hey, Naoki, aren't you afraid? Aren't you afraid?"

 When I suddenly ask, Naoki shrugs his shoulders.

I don't want to be scared, I just want to see what's really going on. After all, I don't think ghosts are real."

That kind of rationalization, as usual."

 Leo chuckles. Souta watches their exchange with a smile on his face. He himself has a strong feeling of fear. But with these two, I think I can handle it.

10. the stage is set

 As I wandered around the school until just before dismissal time, I heard the teacher's voice echoing from the elevator entrance.

It's time to close! Go home!"

 The three of them rush to the elevator entrance. While changing shoes, Leo's mind seems to be distracted.

'Tomorrow, I'll ask him more about it. That sixth-year senior."

'You don't even know my name, how am I supposed to find you?

We'll get there with our energy!"

 Leo puffed out his chest. Naoki sighed again with a dazed look on his face, but he also looked somewhat amused. Souta was smiling as he compared the two of them.

That's it!"

 The three voices overlap as they finish putting on their shoes. The solenatrio disappeared in a small way into the schoolyard at dusk, where the school dismissal chimes rang out for a long time.
