Chapter 1 (1): The Sound of the Piano is Calling

1. quiet corridor and eerie echoes

Stranded in the mirror world, Leo, Naoki, and Souta began to search for a way back home, using the "Seven Wonders" as clues. Next, they visited the music room, which was once rumored to have a piano that "echoed on its own" every night. Believing that this place must exist in the mirror world as well, the three of them climb the stairs to the second floor of the school.

The hallway was so dimly lit that it was difficult to distinguish night from day, and the light from outside was dull and colorless. The letters on the wall were reversed, making it difficult to distinguish the title or even the date. Still, when the familiar door to the music room came into view, the three of them stopped in their tracks and looked at each other.

"Does it really sound ...... like a piano?"

Souta asks in a lowered voice. A faint voice is sucked into the hallway, but no one responds. Instead, from out of nowhere comes a gee ...... and the creaking of the floor. Leo clenches his hands tightly and nods his head in determination.

We can't go on without seeing if it rings, can we?"

Naoki purses his lips and re-grips the flashlight. Gently he puts his hand on the door, and it opens slightly with a creak of metal. A cold air and a sad sound escape from the door.

The three of us pushed open the door nervously. The music room in the mirror world looked even more deserted than it did in the real world. Dusty music stands, slanted chairs, and an upright piano sitting in the back. But something is different. There is a faint sound coming from somewhere - yes, an intermittent melody, as if someone is tapping the keys just a little bit.

2. the identity of the faint melody

Can you hear me: ......?"

Souta listened with a frightened expression. Naoki remained silent and pointed his flashlight at the piano. Every time the floor creaked, the hearts of the three of them would skip a beat.

As I approached the piano, I could tell that the faint melody was indeed echoing from within the music room. However, it was somewhat unstable, a melody that was both gentle and sad, and difficult to judge. Rather than a tune, it was more like someone was tapping on the keyboard as if exploring--that's the impression I got.

No way, is there really someone out there?"

The moment Naoki whispered, the faint melody suddenly stopped. Even when I cast the light of my flashlight on the piano, there was no one in front of it. Of course, there was no sign of a chair moving. But the sound that had certainly been audible just a moment before was gone in an instant.

......I'm scared, but I guess I'll just have to get closer."

Breathing on his shoulder, Leo prepared himself and gently reached for the piano. Brushing the dusty black paint off with his fingertips, the yellowed keys reveal themselves. He tapped the keys with all his might, only to be met with a cacophony of dry sounds. It sounded completely different from the "melody" I had heard earlier.

"Whoever you are, you're not hiding, are you? ......"

Souta looks around worriedly. Naoki is breathing quietly, trying to sense the change in the air. Leo stands there and mutters in frustration, "What the hell is going on .......

3. reverberations of a girl who used to be a girl?

Without making any progress, the three explore the room in a circular fashion. The walls are covered with old sheet music, but the reversed left-to-right letters are difficult to read. On the floor are what appear to be pieces of old chalk and erasers, which make an empty sound when Leo rolls them around with his foot.

Naoki was silent for a while, but suddenly opened his mouth as if remembering something.

...... I remember there was a rumor in the real world that the ghost of a girl appeared in the music room at night. She is said to remain in this world, unable to play the last song she wanted to play.

Souta shivered. The word "ghost" might have been laughable in a brightly lit school classroom, but in this world of mirrors, it felt strangely real.

Are you telling me there's another ...... ghost here?

I don't know. But the melody seemed to have a meaning. It's a sound that can't be explained by mere wind or the creaking of buildings.

Naoki turns serious behind his glasses. Leo nods his head in agreement and even says, "If there are ghosts, we have to listen to them. Souta tries to argue, "No, don't ...... it," but the momentum of the two men pushes him away.

4. unexpectedly echoing keyboard

While the three of them were conversing, suddenly there was a single note on the keyboard. A high "Do" sound reflected in the music room, as if it were a "call". The three of them looked hurriedly toward the piano, but there was no one there, but the keys seemed to shake slightly, as if traces of the sound had remained.

Yes, now ......?"

Souta's voice trembles, and Leo cautiously steps forward and stands in front of the piano. Naoki also shines his flashlight from behind, but the person is nowhere to be seen. Instead, he notices a sheet of paper on the music stand. He picked it up, dusting off the dust, and found it to be sheet music - well, it was partially torn, so he could not make out the title of the piece.

What is this ......?"

Leo tries to unfold the sheet music, but the printed text is difficult to read in a world of left-to-right inversion, plus it is badly torn and stained. Naoki peeks in a little and says ruefully, "It looks like some of the notes are missing. Then Souta opened his mouth with a somewhat pained expression.

"Maybe if we finish this song, we can figure out what the ...... sound is ......?"

It was one hope for the three of them, although the evidence was thin. Naoki nodded and began to wonder if he could somehow supplement the missing sheet music. Leo clutched the sheet music and stared at the music stand. It looked as if someone's hand had left a mark on it, perhaps a subtle fingerprint.

I knew it, someone is playing ......

As I muttered this without thinking, Souta let out a small scream behind me. I turned around to see a small mirror standing cracked in the corner of the room. The mirror should not have been in the normal music room, but it seems that things are different in the world of mirrors. Dust is stuck to the edges of the mirror, and it is badly distorted.

I've been looking at the broken mirror at ....... Don't tell me there's something in here that's not supposed to be there?"

Naoki squints uneasily, but Leo approaches the mirror with a resolute expression. The fear of being swallowed by the mirror on the dance floor earlier comes back to him, but he still can't help but check it out. He peeks in at one point, but only sees the three of them reflected upside down - so far, he doesn't feel any particular change.

5. readiness to step out with "that's it.

After a while, the sound of the piano stopped completely. The presence of the keys that had echoed so eerily was gone, and only dust and silence dominated the room. However, the three of them clearly sensed it.somethingare present in this music room and watching their movements - and they are watching their movements.

I'm sure this score ...... will be an important clue. Let's try to complete the torn parts somehow."

When Naoki made his decision, Leo and Souta nodded their heads and said, "It's the only way. Without finding out the identity of the mysterious "sound" wandering in the mirror world, they will not be able to go on and solve the Seven Wonders. Leo carefully holds the sheet music, and Souta, though trembling, looks at him with determination.

'...... a little scary, but it's okay, right? Three of us can go to ......"

That's it!"

As their voices overlap, a faint but usual sense of unity is created between the three of them. Not all the fear and confusion have disappeared. But unless we step forward here, we will be wandering in the world of mirrors, not knowing what to expect.

Leo gently closed the piano lid and put the missing piece of music back on the music stand. Naoki shines a light on the piano, and Souta brushes off the dust as he contemplates his next move. Someone" is playing the piano - is it a ghost, or the thoughts of a forgotten student? The time has come for the three of them to take action in order to find out.
