Episode 2 "The Mystery of the Missing Surfboard" - "The Courage of That Day, Flickering in the Waves

--the morning when the sound of the waves can be heard faintly.

The events of yesterday are still fresh in my mind and somewhat unsettling.

With this mood in my mind, I went through the school gate as usual, and Otani was already waiting for me.


Good morning, Kohei. How's the progress on solving the riddle?"


......, though it's not that over-the-top, detective-like stuff."


I reply, and Otani smiles with the corners of his mouth turned up.


Don't be so sure. It's not normal for a surfboard to suddenly disappear, is it?

 The lock to the storage room was never broken, and my advisor is in charge of it."


"Yeah. ......."


And the way Shinoda-senpai looked yesterday. There was more to it than 'just lost'."



Yesterday, after school and into the evening, we all searched everywhere in and around the school, but could not find a single clue.


--too puzzling to end up as just a prank.


There, today, another energetic voice falls.


Good morning! Aizawa-kun, Otani-kun!"


Hinata, the surfing club manager, approached me, looking a little run down.


I'm sorry, I know it's early in the morning, but ...... can I ask you to continue yesterday's interview and help me out?

 Hopefully today is the day we find out something."


Of course. I'll help you if I can.


Immediately Otani responded, "I'll take care of it! Otani responded with a flirtatious "I'll take care of it!

Hinata gives a relieved smile.

It's amazing how seeing them makes us feel energized.


Thank you. Actually, first thing in the morning, my advisor, Mr. Kurokawa, said to me, 'Let's do a proper interview of the club members.

 That's why everyone is supposed to meet in the clubroom after school today."


"Dr. Kurokawa is at ......"


Otani looked surprised.

This is because, as of yesterday, it did not appear that the doctor himself had taken the initiative in the investigation.


I nod my head and say, "Okay," even though I feel a little caught up in my heart.


I'll be in the club room after school.

 With Otani, he's going to stand out even more, and maybe that will smooth things over somehow."


"Ha-ha, I'm a pep talker, huh?"


Otani laughs happily and Hinata also says "Nice to meet you!" in return.

I don't feel bad about being depended on like this.

--No, rather, I found myself there thinking, "I want to help properly.





Morning HR and subtle air


Morning homeroom begins.

After the homeroom teacher had finished her communication for the day, I could hear some chatter among my classmates here and there.


Hey, is it true that Shinoda-senpai's board in the surfing club was stolen?"

I heard it's a big problem. There was a big commotion around the club room yesterday.


-- as I said, rumors seem to be spreading.

The surfing club is a prominent part of this school. This is perhaps not surprising since the club has an ace who is preparing for the Inter-High School qualifying rounds.


Otani looks at me and says, "This is going to get even more interesting after today's hearing," his eyes twinkling.

To be honest, my impression was that it was more "tense" than "interesting.


(Shinoda senpai ...... looked really painful yesterday)


I also noticed that he seemed to be shielding his leg.

There must be some big reason and they definitely want their board back.


With such thoughts in mind, the first hour begins in no time.

With a subtle sense of restlessness, he switches his focus to the class.





After school -- Surfing club meeting


After class that day, I head to the surfing club room with Otani as promised.

When the three of us opened the door with Hinata, who joined us on the way, a number of club members were already waiting for us.


I was like, "Oh, you're here. Thanks."


The person who approached me was a familiar senior student ......** Saki Kawakubo***, a senior.

I only caught a glimpse of her face yesterday, but she is wearing a cool vibe.

She is a sophomore, and although she is a girl, she is apparently a talented surfer prodigy.


Saki looks a bit tired.


I wasn't sure if Shinoda-senpai would come today, but he just showed up and went right outside.

 I'm more interested in resuming practice soon than I am in hearing about it. ......"


I see. Where is Shinoda-senpai now?"


When Hinata asks in a bit of a panic, Saki shrugs her shoulders.


I don't know. Maybe it's the beach?

 It must be hard to have this kind of trouble so close to qualifying and not be able to practice properly."


Otani nodded, "Hmmm, that's right.

Certainly it's no surprise that if the tools of the club's central figure disappear, it's hard to practice.


After a while, from the back of the club roomDr. Shuji Kurokawaappeared.


"Is everyone here?

 I'm going to continue with yesterday's interviews and check the condition of the shed. I hear Aizawa and the other second-year students are helping out as well."


At these words, several members of the club rustle.

"Are people from other classes going to be there?" The look in the eyes of the students.


However, Hinata quickly followed up by saying, "Kurokawa-sensei has given his OK," and the matter was settled.

The teacher seems to smile slightly when he sees us, but his eyes are a little stern.


(Are you serious about solving the case ...... or?)


Somehow, the "strange feeling" I had yesterday was smoldering deep in my chest again.

But at this point it was not clear what it was.





Began interviewing club members.


Dr. Kurokawa suggested that each member of the surfing team "confirm their actions on the day of the event.

By thoroughly identifying when the shed was last opened and where the key is located, we may be able to discover minor discrepancies.


One by one, I want each of you to tell me if you notice anything unusual or unnatural.

 Of course, I don't suspect anyone directly, but I need to clarify the circumstances of the day so we can work this out."


The teacher's calm voice echoes in the club room.

The assembled club members listen with serious faces.


Then the story proceeds in turn to department members A, B, and C.......

Detailed testimony emerges, such as "the board was there as of the evening" and "I left early that day," but no significant takeaways.


After a while, Hinata raises her hand.


I was also the last one to lock the door, along with Shinoda-senpai.

 The club room is locked around 6:00 p.m. and the storage room is locked at the same time.

 After that, I looked for Kurokawa-sensei to give him the key, but he was in a staff meeting, so I went to ......"


Hinata cuts off her words there and looks at the teacher.

Dr. Kurokawa nods "Mm" before replying.


I finished a staff meeting that day around 7:00.

 You received the key from Hinata right after the ...... staff meeting."


Yes. So we had control of the keys the whole time until they were handed over from the two of us to the teacher."


There is no major disruption to that timeline.

But the question is, "When did the board disappear after that?"


The key is with Dr. Kurokawa, and the board is the only thing missing, even though it is supposed to be virtually "no one can enter the storage room" until the next morning.


Otani snorts with interest.


You had the key all the way from the end of the staff meeting until you left, didn't you?

 After that, did you open the shed or give anyone the keys?"


No. I left the key in the staff room and went home. I just put the key in the staff room and went home."


The teacher's tone of voice is unwavering.


(Whether there's a lie there or not: ......)


I stare at the teacher's expression.

But he didn't seem particularly upset.


The club members begin to murmur, "If the lock hasn't been broken, it's hard to imagine an outside attack," and "Then who and how ......?

There, Dr. Kurokawa threw a sharp look at him.


I don't want to go as far as to suspect everyone, but there is a possibility that an "insider" is involved in the situation.

 If you know of any, please come forward at your earliest convenience.

 This is a criminal act before the convention."


The air instantly freezes at those words.

Did someone on the inside (......), i.e., a member of the club, or a teacher, manager, or someone else "involved" with the board, hide it?


(Is the advisor, who is supposed to believe in the club members, quite cornered to talk like this? ......)


However, the faces of the club members were tinged with anger and frustration.

The atmosphere was, "Why are you doubting us?"

Saki, too, looks grim and tight-lipped.


At that moment, the door slammed open.

Shinoda-senpai came in.


'...... sir, you are way out of line.'


The low, quiet voice increases the tension.





Captain's Sentiments


"Senior ......!"


Hinata tries to run over, but Shinoda-senpai shakes her head.

It was a silent restraint.


You know, sir.

 Yes, this situation is strange. But we are all members of the club, right?

 What's going to happen when you throw that kind of doubt in my face?"


It is not an accusation in a strong tone, but a voice filled with anger in a quiet way.

Kurokawa-sensei raises one eyebrow, but remains calm as he answers.


Shinoda, you are probably in the most trouble.

 If only time passes without a board for the tournament, it will hinder the Inter-High.

 That's why I wanted to get to the bottom of it ASAP. ......"


If that's the case, there's a better way to put it!

 Everyone is looking for them desperately. I don't want to see the atmosphere in the department become even worse because of the teacher's words."


The air in the clubroom is tense.

Saki slightly lowers her gaze, and the rest of the club members gulp.

Hinata cringes with a troubled expression.


Me and Otani had no choice but to stand there looking like out-of-place outsiders.


(I see, there must be some kind of "temperature difference" between ...... sensei and Shinoda-senpai.)


Just as I felt that way, Shinoda-senpai simply said, "I'm sorry ......," and was about to leave the club room again.


Wait, Shinoda-senpai ......!


The moment Hinata took a step forward to chase after him, Shinoda-senpai's legs wobbled.




In a panic, Hinata grabs his arm to support him.

His gait is clearly strange. It was as if he was holding back the pain.


"Seniors, what's wrong with your feet ......?"


No, it's nothing. ......!"


Shaken off angrily, Hinata flinched.

The club members asked, "Captain, do you have a leg injury?" The members of the club were even more disturbed.


Shinoda-senpai, however, says nothing, bites his lip hard, and opens the door.

Pain and frustration oozed from his back as he headed down the hallway.


(Maybe this leg injury ...... is pretty serious?)


Although I thought so, it was hard to talk to him with that swordplay.


Dr. Kurokawa sighed on the spot and looked somewhat bitter.


I'm sorry, guys.

 ......Let's end the listening session here. If you have any new information, let me know right away."


Hinata sees this and looks down apologetically.

The club members awkwardly dispersed, leaving me, Otani, Hinata, and the teacher in the club room.





A short conversation with Dr. Kurokawa


After the quiet air returned to the clubroom, Kurokawa-sensei spoke up.


I think it was Aizawa and ...... Otani. Thanks for helping out today."


His voice was laced with a teacher-like softness, a far cry from the stern tone he had used earlier.

Hinata asked, "Se, Sensei, what are you going to do? From now on ......" she asks.


I'm going to go to the staff room to sort things out.

 As for Shinoda's board, we'll have to continue to look around the property and surrounding beaches. ......

 Because we still don't know what the killer is thinking."


The culprit ...... still thinks the doctor thinks someone intentionally stole it?"


When I interrupted him, he shook his head lightly.


I don't make any judgments. But there is no such thing as 'spontaneous disappearance.

 Someone is always taking it out.

 As long as the lock wasn't broken, how did they get it out--

 That's probably the crux of the case."


(certainly ......)


In order to take the board out without breaking the lock, the shed must be opened in some way.

If the advisor, Shinoda-senpai, and the manager, Hinata, are managing directly, it should be difficult to borrow without permission.


Did the teacher give the key to anyone anywhere after the staff meeting?"


When I asked him directly, he raised his eyebrows a little.


You said, "...... No. Like I said, I kept the key in the staff room.

 We can't rule out the possibility that someone came for it in the middle of the night on their own, but it shouldn't be easy to find the key."


That's right. ......"


It does not appear that the teacher is lying in his response.

At least in "appearance. But why does it still leave me with a vague feeling that I don't understand?


(Could be an assumption. But I got the impression yesterday that the teacher was reluctant to solve the case. ......)


Now, thus ostensibly leading the investigation.

Maybe it was just my imagination.


I'm sorry for your hard work today. Don't overdo it, Aizawa and the others.


After saying this, Dr. Kurokawa left the clubroom.





Hinata's anxiety


The teacher left, and Otani was in the mood to leave for the day.

But Hinata is sitting in the corner of the club room with her shoulders slumped in disappointment.


"...... Hinata?"


I softly call out to her, and she smiles faintly in return.


I'm sorry, if I had been firm, ...... Shinoda-senpai's board, this might not have happened."


I don't think so.

 Hinata is supporting the club properly."


He said, "No, it's ....... Shinoda-senpai, it seems to be true that you have a leg injury, and yet even the board has disappeared. ......

 It's painful to think about how he must be feeling right now."


There seemed to be a few tears in Hinata's eyes as she said this.

Ohtani panics, "Hey, hey, don't cry over this.


I don't mean to cry, but it was kind of frustrating."


Hinata's lips are tied tightly together.


'I'm too scared to surf ...... but I still love this club and want to support everyone.

 So I hate to see anyone get hurt in this way."


Hearing his sincere words, our hearts are also filled with excitement.

Hinata is committed to supporting the club members, despite her feelings of "wanting to do it but not being able to take the plunge.


There may be a little overlap with myself.

I was really interested in surfing too, but in the end I did nothing and just drifted along up to this point.


(If I had worked as hard as Hinata, I wonder if ...... we would be fighting together as surfing club members now)


Such thoughts crossed my mind.


"Thanks for searching with me at ......, though. I appreciate you, Aizawa-kun and Otani-kun."


Hinata's words are honest and straightforward to the point of embarrassment.

Ohtani said, "Oh, what the heck. I love this kind of exciting development! and the atmosphere was relaxed.


'Well, it's not the end of the day, and there's still a lot we don't know.

 Let's start asking around a little bit tomorrow, shall we?"


Hinata nodded vigorously at these words.

I also repeated my voice, "If it's okay with me, I'll help you.

My anxiety has not gone away yet, but I will do what I can to somehow get Shinoda-senpai's board back.





On the way home--the sound of waves at night


By the time I left the clubroom and walked to the entrance to the elevator, it was completely dark outside.

Because it is by the sea, dusk falls early and the town is quiet at night.


Otani and I parted there, and I left the school gate alone.

The way home is somewhat lonely, and the wind mixed with sand hits my ears.


Suddenly, the smell of the tide wafted strongly from a side street.

I think I'll take a little detour and go to the beach.


The sea at night is dimly lit and the sound of the waves is loud.

The tips of the white waves glistened in the moonlight.


I knew it. ...... It's beautiful."


Muttering this, he padded to the beach.

The temperature is a bit chilly, but standing on the edge of the surf is calming.


-I remember longing for the ocean when I was a student.

I experienced surfing on a family vacation a long time ago and thought, "The ocean is free.

However, by the time I reached junior high school, I had a lot of club activities, and I missed the timing and found myself in ...... now.


I ...... maybe I was in the surfing club too."


He mumbles such a what-if story and chuckles.

It may be too late now.


But as I get into this case, I have a feeling that something will change.

It is not a clear expectation, but I can't help but feel that there is something close by that will give me the "impetus" to take the next step.


Look up at the moon and exhale heavily.


(Shinoda-senpai, please help us find the board safely)

(And so that Hinata and the other members of the club will not suffer any more)


I stared at the lapping waves in prayer and slowly turned on my heel.

Will we get new information the next morning?

With this expectation, I leave the beach and start walking along the dark road.





That night, a figure behind the school building


-At that time, behind the school gymnasium.

A shadow crept into the school building at night when it was not popular.


He is dressed in a hooded parka that hides his face.

He moves quickly through the dark night streets and opens the door with a hand as if he has the key.


Beyond that is a small warehouse.

The hooded figure did not hesitate to step into this place where dusty equipment was abandoned.


A faint light illuminates the destination,Silhouette like a big surfboardThe following is a list of the most common problems with the


--but it is not a complete board and looks like an old sample piece.

What in the world is the purpose of this person?


Faint breathing echoes in the warehouse.

And the sound of a door closing.


The school building becomes silent again at night, leaving a sense of disquiet.


"Sorry ......, but you'll have to wait a little ...... longer ......"


A small muttered voice melted into the darkness.





--Episode 2: The End
