Episode 14 - Step by Stage! ~ I Can't Believe I'm the Leader of a Dance Circle! ~...

Episode 14 "Growing Expectations, Impatience, and a Miraculous Rock Part Reorganization!"

1. the mode just before the festival heats up even more

 The university campus was filled with the kind of excitement that only a school festival can generate. Signs for bake sales and posters of stage programs filled the corridors.
"We only have about 10 more days, not two more weeks ....... ......
 I lead circle activities as a leader.Koharu SakuraiIn the morning between homerooms, I look at my schedule book. In the morning, in between homerooms, I glance at my schedule book and see that it is filled with plans and tasks. My heart is racing with a mixture of impatience and anticipation.

 In this mood, I visited the dance circle practice room after school, where the members were beginning to gather.yaoqin (4-stringed Chinese lute), ,cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum), ,flight, ,true reasonThe participants in the first group and the novice group were all stretching restlessly.
He said, "All right, guys! Today we want to find out the final form of the rock part and we also want to go through each part. Let's make good use of our practice time!"
 When I raise my voice, a spirited "Oh! the spirited response of "Oh! However, each of them must have mixed feelings in their hearts.

Makoto's ankle, a miracle recovery?

 In the past few days, **Makoto Sato** has been cleared by her doctor for rehabilitation and has begun to move her leg, albeit cautiously. The pain from the sprain seems to have subsided considerably, and he has gradually begun to show signs of taking steps.
Yesterday, I went to the hospital and they said, 'You're recovering well. Depending on my rehabilitation, I may be able to make it to the show!"
 When Makoto speaks vividly, people around her say, "Oh! and everyone around her was excited. The rock part of the group was especially excited, saying, "Makoto's presence makes all the difference, doesn't it! and looked at them expectantly.

 However, he is not completely back to normal yet. It is not clear whether he can do the big jumps and hard rotations he did before the training camp, and there is still only 10 days left until the day of the competition. Makoto himself repeats, "I can't do anything reckless yet.
 So Shizuku and I decided to "keep the basic Plan B (Sho & Saki are the main players), but try to participate partially where Makoto can move energetically" - so to speak **"Plan C "** in earnest. Shizuku decided to try **"Plan C "** in earnest.

3. three rock parts! First trial operation

 Time to practice the rock part as soon as possible. **Sho Ohtaniand beginner groups.Saki Nakamura** begins to dance in the center. Makoto is in the back of the group, watching the action and gradually joining the formation toward the chorus.
Five, six, seven, eight!"
 Sho and Saki exchanged introductory choreography, to which Makoto quickly joined in from the side. Makoto stepped into the scene without overdoing it, but her sharpness was still there, and the "heat" in her movements was back.

 After dancing for a while, Makoto steps one step higher in the final chorus. The jump was still low, but it conveyed the "character" of the song. Sho was excited, saying, "Oh, Makoto, that's amazing! and Saki was happy as well, saying, "You're really powerful, senpai! Saki was also happy.

 When the music stops after the practice, the members around them applaud and mouth off their impressions.
Each of the three of them has a different groove to them, and they're all very funny! Sho's comical, Saki's serious, and Makoto's power all mixed together!"
It might somehow have a different appeal than the old Makoto one-man rock part: ......!"

 Makoto chuckled, a little out of breath. 'I'm not completely pain-free yet, but it's still fun ...... when I can move! Her eyes light up. Just by looking at her expression, I feel a surge of excitement.

4. a lot of work on costumes, lighting, and final adjustments

 Meanwhile, **Mayu Suzuki** is busy making final checks for the festival stage as the costume and accessories supervisor.
'I may be a little short on stock of hair ornaments for the K-Pop part! If you want to buy more, you'll have to pay for shipping. ......"
'Paint on the arms for the disco part, you want to use it even if the darkening is short, right? But depending on the color of the lighting, it might not stand out. ......"

 I'm not going to go along with Mayu who is flabbergasted.flightand several beginner groups. Trial and error continued as they searched for accessories on the Internet and tried dimming the lights in the circle room.
 I want to make sure that the audience gets a sense of the production, and not just a self-aggrandizement!"
 Seeing Mayu's enthusiasm, I want to help somehow, but I myself can't keep my hands off the rock part and overall coordination.
"Yeah, Mayu can put it all together for you at ......! Give me a shout if you need any help!"
 When I said this, Mayu said, "Okay, I'll do my best! I'll do my best for one more step!" and a big smile on her face.

5. additional contact with sound staff, temporary testing in practice room

 A few days later,Rika AoyamaA senior gave me some additional information about "backstage volume testing. He said that when the stage crew brings the equipment into the on-campus equipment room the week before the festival, if there is enough room, it may be possible to do a short test.
"It's not a full-scale rehearsal, but there may be a chance to play part of the medley in a similar volume environment to that of the day: ......! But I'm told I can't make any promises."
 Rika-senpai said apologetically, but as far as we are concerned, if there is even the slightest chance of success, we would like to ask for it. Sho also snorted, "I'd like to give it a try, even if it's just a "one chance"! Sho also sniffs, "I'd like to try it, even if it's just a 'one chance'!

 Thus, with less than 10 days to go until the main festival,Acoustic rehearsal timeThe team chases after small hopes to somehow make up for the almost complete lack of Even in the practice room, they bring in equipment and continue to conduct a series of temporary tests.

6. unexpected rival declarations of the novice group?

 A male member of the beginners' group, **Takuya Sasaki**, who heard a rumor that the rock part of the group was about to settle on a "three-person team," seems to be strangely excited.
I'm going to stand out even more in the disco part!"
 Apparently, inspired by Saki's "rock part as the center," she felt a strong desire to "make an impact on stage too! I want to make an impact on stage, too!


7. 三人体制でのロックパート、全体通し練習!






8. トラブルの種、足りないステージ裏スタッフ?

 全体通し練習の後、ふとRika Aoyama先輩から連絡が入る。「ステージ裏で人手が足りないらしく、運営スタッフをサークルから一人出してほしい、と実行委員会が言ってる」とのこと。


小春:え、大丈夫? せっかく初心者組センターやってるのに負担じゃない?





