Episode 12 - Rehearsal Time Slashed! Looming Substitutes and the Sound Barrier"
1. hectic campus, festival countdown
The campus suddenly became lively, and signs and posters stood out everywhere. The words "Only 3 weeks to go until the festival! The signs were advertising for food and drink booths and a list of groups performing on stage. The bulletin boards in the student halls are filled with calls for food and drink booths, lists of groups performing on stage, and so on.
Whenever I, **Koharu Sakurai**, walk around with my dance circle friends, they always say, "Oh, you are from the dance circle! I heard you are going to perform on stage again this year? I am happy to be the center of attention, but at the same time, I am also happy that I am not the only one. While it is nice to be the center of attention, I also feel the pressure of it.
On the way to the practice room, I see **Makoto Sato** walking slowly with a limp, though he does not use crutches.
Makoto...... still hurting?"
I can't jump or do anything strenuous yet, but I can do light steps. I can't jump or do strenuous movements yet, but I can manage light steps. I'm sorry for bothering you guys.
Makoto smiles stoutly, but it must be distressing for her to be so restricted, as she had the most dynamic movements of anyone.
We looked at each other and asked, "Are you really going to think of an understudy for the rock part?" I almost got into the topic, "There's still time, but ......," but Makoto said, "It's not too late! Let's go to the practice room for now," I raised my voice a little and walked ahead.
2. sound rehearsals drastically reduced! Executive Committee Announcement
When I arrived at the practice room, I found that it was already there.Rika AoyamaI saw my senpai and **Sho Ohtani**. Both of them were staring at their phone screens with some kind of serious look on their faces and sighing.
Senior, what's going on?"
When I called out to her, Rika-senpai said in a heavy tone.
I just got official word from the committee that the rehearsal time for the ...... stage sound system may be reduced even further."
What, even more!"
There was some talk the other day that rehearsal time might be shortened, but that seems to be almost a done deal this time around. It seems that another performing group will be bringing in a lot of equipment, which will take time to set up.
Specifically, the rehearsal slot the day before the show could go from 30 minutes to 20 minutes, or even 15 minutes if it's bad. ......
Sho explains with a nod.
"Fifteen minutes is almost ten minutes of ...... our medley, you know? We have to check in and out of the stage, and even the sound check has to be balanced. ......
As we were racking our brains, Rika-senpai apologetically said, "I'll try to talk to the sound staff, but it may be difficult because other groups are suffering the same way.
"I see. ....... But it means you'll have almost one shot at rehearsal. ......"
If so, it would be a catastrophe if the volume or the connection of the songs were off during the performance. The performance that they had worked on at the training camp might be ruined. All the members could not hide their anxiety.
3. calm analysis and new proposal by Sizuku
To our clamor, **Shizuku Miyata** opens her mouth in a low voice.
In such a situation, we have no choice but to thoroughly tune up in advance. We will do all the preparation we can do ourselves, without resorting to rehearsal productions."
What kind of preparation can we do ourselves, ...... for example?"
When Sho asks back, Shizuku starts fiddling with his phone to sort things out.
First, the song connections and volume should be simulated in a studio or university equipment room. I make sure that the volume levels of the sound sources are consistent so that they can be reproduced to some extent no matter which equipment is used. Also, if there are unnecessary SE (sound effects) or other unnecessary sounds, cut them out, or simplify complicated transitions a little. ......
We looked at each other and felt, "But we've gone to the trouble of making an elaborate composition..." But Shizuku continues nonchalantly.
It's more fatal if the sound is disturbed during the performance. If you want to be cool, you have to have a stable sound. Even if you simplify the arrangement a little, it's better to succeed the first time.
Shizuku's words are right on target. It is only a realistic proposal, but it is certainly persuasive. I sighed and nodded my head, saying, "Yes, that's right.
I understand. So do you think we could cut out some of the flashy sound effects and stuff from the disco part?"
Mayu asked a little regretfully, and Sho said bitterly, "Well, it can't be helped. ...... Makoto also asks, "Do you want to cut out the SEs and stuff you put in the intro to the rock part?" He is concerned about his swollen ankle as he confirms, "I'm sorry, but I can't help it.
Somehow, the whole team seems to be moving in the direction of "lightening up". Perhaps this is a better decision. We areReduce riskIn order to achieve this, we decided to take measures to simplify the staging.
4. ankle of Makoto, possible substitute
Once the acoustic problem is over, it is time torock partThe topic of discussion again is what to do with the If Makoto's ankle does not improve, his acrobatics as well as his rusty movements will be limited.
If worst comes to worst, do we dance without Makoto? Or would you substitute someone else?"
When Shizuku calmly suggested, Makoto said, "Well, I still have more than two weeks to recover if I can. But if not, I'll just have to think of a ...... substitute," he shrugs.
Makoto's "hot-blooded aura" is an important part of the rock part, and his presence is significant for the team. If a substitute were to be made, it could be Sho or a male member of the beginner group, but I am not sure if there would be enough time. ......
I'll wait until the last minute to see how things go. We'll see how Makoto is healing and prepare a substitute for the rock part in parallel. The rock part itself should be choreographed in a way that everyone can dance.
When I suggested this, Makoto nodded a little regretfully and said, "Sorry, guys. I'm burdening you," she muttered. The members follow up with, "No, no, don't worry about it!" and they follow up with a friendly tone of voice.
5. beginners' "self-practice festival
On the other hand, many beginner groups have conflicts with their university classes and part-time jobs, and their practice schedules do not allow for it. Therefore, **Saki Nakamuraand ... andTakuya Sasaki** seems to be taking the lead in planning an event called the "Voluntary Training Festival.
The point is, on weekend nights when the circle room is free, the beginners get together and review the choreography all at once. We videotape it and share it with those who can't join us so they can watch!"
Saki explained happily. Everyone seems to have gained confidence after the camp and is eager to "catch up.
That's a good idea! That would make it easier for beginner groups to teach each other. On Saturdays and Sundays, Shizuku and Mayu would be willing to give advice to the extent possible.
I smiled back, and Saki and Takuya said, "We'll do our best! and they were very motivated.
This will allow the novice group to properly participate in the final touches without leaving the group. It is encouraging to see such a positive attitude in the midst of so many problems. It also makes me feel a little lighter.
6. senior Rica's work, a few glimmerings of light
In the middle of the following week, Rika-senpai sent me good news: in a message on LINE, she had written.
Rika-senpai: I may be able to ask the senior sound engineer of the organizing committee directly and get a little priority for sound check on the day of the event! Of course, the official rehearsal time won't change, but we might be able to check the song connections and volume at least.
Immediately I said, "Thank you!" and reply. Only a few minutes later, I receive a further call from a senior colleague.
Rika Sensei: But I can't do it too publicly because of the eyes of other groups. I think it will be like a quick check backstage. ...... Is that okay?
Koharu: Not at all! It really helps!
Thus, even if the sound rehearsal is shortened, it will be possible to check at least a minimum. Together with Sizuku's suggestion of "simplifying the direction," we may be able to reduce the risk of insufficient rehearsals. I can't get over Rika-senpai's network of contacts and energy. ......
7. makoto's legs, and the issue of substitutes resurfaced
However, such relief is short-lived, and the other major problem - Makoto's leg - is not suddenly resolved. It has already been almost two weeks since the first sprain, and it will still be some time before she can fully return to work.
After practice, I broached the subject again when I was alone with Makoto.
Makoto, it's time to finalize the formation for the rock part, and I need you to clarify your status as well. How well do you think you can dance?"
Makoto stares at the floor with a bitter expression.
I honestly don't think I can do all-out jumps and rotations, but I can do some light swinging. But I can manage a few light swings. ......The doctor said I might be in pain for two more weeks. ......
It's almost a little over two weeks until the main festival. That means,Makoto will likely not be fully healed on the day of rehearsal.That's what I mean. I am heartbroken. If I dance the rock part without Makoto, I have to take a reasonable amount of time to practice again.
I'd like to change the formation so that Makoto doesn't have to move. I have an idea to give the center of the chorus to someone else. ......
"...... yeah. I'm sorry, Koharu ....... Atashi, I was expected to play the role of leader, but this will cause trouble for everyone. ......
Makoto closed his eyes to hold back. When I saw her, I didn't know what to say to her.
It was hard to imagine a "rock part without Makoto," but we had to face reality for now. I nodded quietly and did my best to tell them, "Let's try it out at tomorrow's general practice.
8. potential substitutes, an unexpected word
Whole practice the next day. Who will be in the center of the rock part--Sho Ohtaniraises its voice.
I've learned some rock moves too, and I'll do my best if I'm standing in the center instead. But I can't do big jumps like Makoto, but ......"
At Sho's offer, the members were all "Oh, Sho's the center?" The members were surprised at Sho's offer and said, "Oh, Sho is the center? In fact, Sho is not athletic, but he is more of a comical dancer, which is a little different from his "hot-blooded rock" image.
But are there any other candidates? Isn't it tough to substitute for a boy in the novice group?"
"Well, yes, that's right. ....... Even if it can't match Makoto's power, if Sho can make the whole thing more exciting, then maybe the rock part will work."
While Mayu and Shizuku nodded at each other, Makoto remained silent. It must be complicated because it seems as if her place is being taken away from her.
Then, surprisinglySaki Nakamuraraises his hand.
"Wow, I'm a girl, but I've been practicing ...... rock parts a lot, and Makoto-senpai taught me at last week's self-practice festival and told me I'm surprisingly into it. If you need me, I'd like to be a candidate for the center ......!"
The people around her groaned, "Oh ....... I had not expected Saki, a member of the beginner group, to be the center of the rock part, but I could see a strong determination in her eyes.
Makoto rolled his eyes and muttered, "Well, come to think of it, I thought Saki had a good streak ...... at the training camp. Thus, an unexpected dark horse emerged.
9. no way two centers?
After much discussion among the members, it was decided to try out "a form where the center of the rock part is shared by Sho or Saki or both of them. Believing in the teamwork they had built up at the training camp, they were quick to actually try dancing.
The sound is quickly played and the formation is formed. Imagine Makoto moving backwards while covering his ankle, and Sho and Saki moving alternately to the center instead. Result: ......
'It's better than I thought! Sho's comicality and Saki's guts might go surprisingly well together."
Saki seems to have practiced a lot, and she's got a rock 'n' roll groove!"
Surprised by the sight, everyone around them was excited. Makoto, on the other hand, while exuding a sense of loneliness at only being able to watch, looked relieved and said, "This could be good enough for the show.
However, there are some challenges. There are moments when Sho and Saki's movements do not match, and in terms of physical strength, Saki is easily out of breath. The rock part is very physically demanding, so there is still a lot of anxiety in entrusting the center to a beginner.
But in case Makoto can't get out.Plan BThis is a great progress as As leader, I informed everyone of my policy to prepare a dual plan: "If Makoto recovers, we will return to the original form," and "If not, we will go back to the Sho & Saki system.
Thus,Makoto's substitution issueshows a step forward,Acoustic rehearsal problemsWith the support of Morika-senpai, the light has managed to shine. However, the stage was getting closer and closer.
- Rehearsal time is being reduced,Production simplificationReduce risk by
- It is uncertain whether Makoto will make it in time for the show,Substitute PlanDouble preparation in.
- The beginners' group made a final push at the "Voluntary Training Festival.
There are a lot of problems, but I am glad to see the whole team taking a positive attitude toward them and devising ways to solve them. As a leader, I can no longer run away.
Don't worry, you'll get through it. ...... It's 'Step by Stage'!"
I tell myself this as I check the members' schedules and formation charts. The next full practice is on the weekend. The final stage of the team is about to begin - the best stage should be waiting for us ahead of this flurry of activity.
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